Department for developmental and clinical psychology of the Institute of psychology and education was established by the KFU Academic Council decision, the Charter of KFU and the order № 01-06/857 of 15/10/2013.
In 2013, the Department obtained a license of the Federal Education Agency to train specialists in the specialty “Clinical Psychology” (030401.65). The first flow of students was enrolled in the same year; the second flow of students joined in 2014.
Professor, doctor of psychological sciences Nailya R. Salikhova has been the head of the Department since September 1, 2012.
In 2011, N. R. Salikhova defended the doctoral dissertation on a theme: “Axiological and semantic regulationof vital activity of a subject” in the specialty 19.00.01 – general psychology, psychology of personality, history of psychology. Her research interests include psychology of personality, developmental psychology and age-specific psychology.
The department actively conducts the research and elaborations in the following areas:
-psychologyof psychosomatic and neurotic disorders of a patient;
- psychology of deviant behavior and dependent personality;
- nature and mechanisms of neurogenesis.
The department for developmental and clinical psychology implements the program in the specialty “Clinical Psychology” (37.05.01) with specialization “Clinical and psychological support to child and family”.
The professors from the Medical University and the Institute of fundamental medicine and biology participate in the educational process.
Professor, doctor of medical sciences, the head of Department for medical and general psychology of Kazan State Medical University Vladimir D. Mendelevich is the leading expert in formation of curriculum and training programs for psychologists.
Vladimir D. Mendelevich is the director of research institute on mental health problems; expert of World Health Organization; research supervisor of “Hope” rehab center for drug addicts in Tatarstan; editor-in-chief of Neurologic Bulletin named after V.M. Bekhterev; member of editorial boards of “Mental Health Journal” and “Medical Psychology in Russia”, “Mental Health Issues of children and adolescents”; author of over 500 scientific works, 45 monographs and manuals, 5 popular-sciencific books.