Chair of Physics

Head of the Chair : Krasnova Lyubov Alekseevna, PhD, Associate professor.
Senior assistant : Ikonnikova Tatyana Alexeevna
The Chair of Physics was established by the KFU rector’s order № 01-06/750 dated July 20, 2016.
The Chair provides bachelor's degree training in various fields: "Pedagogical education", "Applied informatics", "Psychological and pedagogical education", "Teaching training (by industry)" and e.c.
The chair implements educational programmes in the following directions:
44.03.04 Professional training ( speciality “Energetics”)
44.03.05 – Teacher training, speciality “ Mathematics and Physics” (in cooperation with the chair of mathematics and applied computer science).
Educational laboratories of the chair
• Laboratory of Mechanics and Molecular Physics
• Laboratory of Energy Systems Automation
• Laboratory of Optics and Quantum Physics
• Laboratory of electricity and energy
• Laboratory for teaching the fundamentals of energy
• Laboratory of Electrical and Radio Engineering
• Laboratory of Experimental Physics
• Laboratory of Basic Automation and Computer Engineering
• Electrical installation and repair workshop
Priority scientific directions of the chair:
Improving the training of teachers in the framework of the FSES GE;
Information technologies in teaching physics and related disciplines,
Development of technical creativity of schoolchildren,
History of science and technology.
Teachers of the chair publish the results of their experience and research in the journals of the database "SCOPUS", the list of HAC, RISC and materials of various conferences. Participation in conferences and seminars of various ranks allow teachers of the chair to obtain important information about the upcoming or emerged educational materials developed in various universities and other educational institutions in Russia and the CIS, to discuss professional issues, to get acquainted, in particular, with non-traditional developments and techniques for using computers in teaching various subjects at school and university.
Teachers of the chair are involved in the management of students’ research.
Topics of applied methodical research
• Improving the efficiency of students' independent work in studying physics through the use of electronic educational courses at LMS MOODLE
• Implementation of the content of physical and mathematical education based on innovative approaches
Head of department: | Krasnova Lyubov Alekseevna |
Phone: | (885557) 7-55-96 |
Fax: | (85557) 7-54-21 | |
Address: | 423600, Russia, Volga Federal District, Republic of Tatarstan, the city of Elabuga, ul. Kazan, d. 89, aud. 68 |