Hotel HAYAL 4*
All rates in are shown for room (not per person)
4 single rooms (3000 roubles per room per day)
16 double rooms (3900 roubles per room per day)
5 double 'comfort' rooms (4200 roubles per room per day)
11 lux rooms (4500 roubles per room per day)
These are special prices for Congress participants.
Breakfast is included in the cost.
Time for check-in and check-out is 12 am
All rates in are shown for room (not per person).
1 Triple rooms (bathroom and toilet shared between several rooms) 1950 roubles per room per day (without breakfast).
1 Double rooms (bathroom and toilet shared between several rooms) 1500 roubles per room per day (without breakfast)
Time for check-in and check-out is 12 am
Hotel Aurel
All rates in are shown for room (not per person)
4 Double rooms without breakfast (2000 rubles per room per day)
1 Double room Lux without breakfast (3000 rubles per room per day)
1 Lux room for 4-7 person without breakfast (4500 rubles per room per day)
Hotel IBIS 3*
All rates in are shown for room (not per person)
30 single rooms (2300 rubles per room per day)
40 double rooms (2900 rubles per room per day)
These are special prices for Congress participants.
Breakfast is included in the cost.