Dr. Takashi Maruyama (丸山 隆) - a leading Japanese expert in the study of the ionosphere using ionosondes.
Integrated Science Data System Research Laboratory Natl. Inst. of Info.
and Communications Technology 4-2-1 Nukui-kita, Koganei,
Tokyo 184-8795
Frolov Vladimir Leontievich - Senior Researcher, PhD
The highly experienced specialist in the modification of the
ionosphere by powerful radio waves.
Kolchev Alex Anatolevich - Researcher, PhD
E-mail: kolchevaa@mail.ru
Khutorov Vladislav Evgenievich - junior researcher
Sherstyukov Ruslan Olegovich - junior researcher
Khasanov Danir Faritovich - laboratory assistant researcher
E-mail: Khasanv-danir@yandex.ru