On November 22th and 23th, an "Intelligent transport systems and elements of situational centers" (Hackathon-2019) competition of research papers between students was held at the Institute of Engineering of the Kazan Federal University (KFU). The event was attended by a 2nd-year master's student of the Higher Institute of information technologies and intelligent systems (ITIS) (KFU) Ramil Safin, a graduate student of the ITIS Aufar Zakiev, who are also the employees of the Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems (LIRS), as well as a 1st-year master's student of the ITIS Yuri Gerasimov. Participants were presented with a certificate of appreciation and a cash prize.
The goal of the LIRS’ participants was developing an adaptive traffic light project. The project consisted in regulating the switching of traffic light intervals depending on the flow of people and cars on the roads.
An "Intelligent transport systems and elements of situational centers" hackathon was organized by the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies, the Institute of Engineering of the Kazan Federal University, the state budgetary institution "Road Safety" and the state budgetary institution "Scientific center for life safety". This year 11 teams from various higher educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan took part in the competition. For two days teams worked on projects that were eventually presented to the jury.