An employee of the Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems (LIRS) of the Higher Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) Ramil Safin spoke at the 59th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE 2020), which was held remotely from 23 to 26 September 2020 due to the epidemiological situation in the world.
The conference covers a broad range of fields from measurement and control to system analysis and design, from theory to application, and from software to hardware. The technical program of SICE 2020 will consist of plenary and invited talks, tutorial courses, and workshops, as well as oral and interactive sessions.
Ramil Safin, an employee of the LIRS, presented a report on the following topic:
"Hardware and Software Video Encoding Comparison". Authors: Ramil Safin, Emilia Garipova, Roman Lavrenov, Hongbing Li, Mikhail Svinin, Evgeni Magid.
Also a Head of the laboratory professor Evgeni Magid presented a paper at the conference:
"Multi-Robot Control for Adaptive Caging and Tracking of a Flood Area". Authors: Bai Yang, Mikhail Svinin, Evgeni Magid.
The publications were prepared in collaboration with Japanese colleagues from Ritsumeikan University and Chinese colleague from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.