The Department of Russian Language and Literature invites everyone to become members of the SSA: "Creative individuality of writers included in the circle of children and adolescents reading."
The Objectives of SSA:
- increasing the level of theoretical and practical knowledge of students, undergraduates;
- activation of students' research work;
- development of skills for participation and management of innovation processes in the framework of the scientific circle;
- the formation of skills in project activities in solving practical problems and problems;
- creation and development of favorable conditions for the formation of research competencies;
- providing an opportunity for each student to realize his right to the creative development of his personality in accordance with his abilities and needs;
- selection of promising young people for the formation of a reserve of scientific and pedagogical personnel within the framework of the system of training a scientific shift.
SSS tasks:
- assistance in raising the level of scientific training of students, undergraduates;
- creation of conditions for the formation of creative scientific activity of students, undergraduates;
- improving the quality of professional training of students, undergraduates;
- assistance to students, undergraduates in independent scientific research and organizational support of their scientific work;
- timely informing students about the planned scientific conferences, competitions, exhibitions, etc. and the possibility of participating in them.
Supervisor |
Full name |
Bozhkova Galina Nikolaevna |
Position |
Teacher |
Academic degree, title |
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor |
Contacts |
Phone: 8-927-482-95-98; |
We are waiting for 1-5 year students and undergraduates of any year of study for creative communication!!!!