Discipline | Curriculum | Authors | File |
Античная литература | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Античная литература | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Античная литература | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2218 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Античная литература | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2118 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Выразительное чтение | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Выразительное чтение | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Выразительное чтение | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2118 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Выразительное чтение | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Выразительное чтение | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Выразительное чтение | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2218 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Журналистское мастерство | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Журналистское мастерство | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Журналистское мастерство | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Журналистское мастерство | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Зарубежная литература средних веков и эпохи Возрождения | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2218 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Зарубежная литература средних веков и эпохи Возрождения | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2118 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Культура речи и деловое общение | 38.03.02 Management, Bachelor's Degree (Менеджмент организации) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Культура речи и деловое общение | 38.03.02 Management, Bachelor's Degree (Logistics) 2015 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Культура речи и деловое общение | 38.03.02 Management, Bachelor's Degree (Logistics) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Научно-исследовательская работа | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Научно-исследовательская работа | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2118 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Научно-исследовательская работа | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Научно-исследовательская работа | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Научно-исследовательская работа | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2118 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Научно-исследовательская работа | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Научно-исследовательская работа( методика обучения предмету) | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Родной язык и литература, иностранный язык) 2117 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Научно-исследовательская работа по литературе | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Основы журналистики | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Основы журналистики | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Основы журналистики | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Основы журналистики | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Russian language, Literature) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Практическая грамматика русского языка | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2118 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Дошкольное образование и иностранный язык) 2015 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Technology, Informatics) 2218 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Technology, Informatics) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Технология) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Энергетика) 2118 y. |
Сабитова А.М. Мухаметшина Д.Р. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Технология) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.02 Psychologist and teacher education , Bachelor's Degree (Educational psychology) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Technology, Informatics) 2118 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 38.03.02 Management, Bachelor's Degree (Logistics) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations) , Bachelor's Degree (Mathematics,Physics) 2218 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 02.03.01 Математика и компьютерные науки, Bachelor's Degree (Математическое и компьютерное моделирование) 2015 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Информатика, вычислительная техника и компьютерные технологии) 2015 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Сервис и эксплуатация автомобильного транспорта) 2018 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Дошкольное образование и иностранный язык) 2118 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Дошкольное образование и иностранный язык) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 38.03.01 Economics, Bachelor's Degree (Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит) 2018 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.02 Psychologist and teacher education , Bachelor's Degree (Educational psychology) 2118 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.02 Psychologist and teacher education , Bachelor's Degree (Educational psychology) 2015 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Экономика и управление) 2015 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 38.03.02 Management, Bachelor's Degree (Logistics) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 09.03.03 Applied Informatics, Bachelor's Degree (Прикладная информатика в экономике) 2018 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Энергетика) 2018 y. |
Сабитова А.М. Мухаметшина Д.Р. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Экономика и управление) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 38.03.01 Economics, Bachelor's Degree (Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 38.03.01 Economics, Bachelor's Degree (Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит) 2015 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 38.03.01 Economics, Bachelor's Degree (Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 38.03.02 Management, Bachelor's Degree (Logistics) 2015 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 38.03.02 Management, Bachelor's Degree (Logistics) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 23.03.01 Technology of transport processes, Bachelor's Degree (Operation of Vehicles) 2015 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Декоративно-прикладное искусство и дизайн) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.02 Psychologist and teacher education , Bachelor's Degree (Educational psychology) 2018 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Декоративно-прикладное искусство и дизайн) 2118 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Технология) 2118 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 09.03.03 Applied Informatics, Bachelor's Degree (Прикладная информатика в экономике) 2018 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Энергетика) 2218 y. |
Сабитова А.М. Мухаметшина Д.Р. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Автоматизация энергетических систем) 2219 y. |
Сабитова А.М. Мухаметшина Д.Р. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Автоматизация энергетических систем) 2219 y. |
Сабитова А.М. Мухаметшина Д.Р. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Технология) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Энергетика) 2018 y. |
Сабитова А.М. Мухаметшина Д.Р. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Дошкольное образование и иностранный язык) 2218 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations) , Bachelor's Degree (Mathematics,Physics) 2118 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Автоматизация энергетических систем) 2119 y. |
Сабитова А.М. Мухаметшина Д.Р. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Технология) 2218 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Сервис и эксплуатация автомобильного транспорта) 2018 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.01 Pedagogical Education, Bachelor's Degree (Технология) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Автоматизация энергетических систем) 2120 y. |
Сабитова А.М. Мухаметшина Д.Р. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Декоративно-прикладное искусство и дизайн) 2218 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Technology, Informatics) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Декоративно-прикладное искусство и дизайн) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Дошкольное образование и иностранный язык) 2016 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Русский язык и культура речи | 44.03.04 Professional Education (by areas), Bachelor's Degree (Автоматизация энергетических систем) 2119 y. |
Сабитова А.М. Мухаметшина Д.Р. |
Язык средств массовой информации | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Язык средств массовой информации | 44.03.05 Teacher Training (with two educational program specializations), Bachelor's Degree (Русский язык и иностранный язык) 2017 y. |
Сабитова А.М. |
Work address: | 89 Kazanskaya Str., Yelabuga, Yelabuga Institute Main building |
Office number: | 50 |
Phone: | (85557) 7-54-21 |
Fax: | (85557)7-54-21 |
E-mail: | AjMIbragimova@kpfu.ru |
VK: | https://vk.com/id200770105 |
Google scholar: | https://scholar.google.ru/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=ru&user=738bBN8AAAAJ |
Google+: | https://plus.google.com/101727949359731631040 |