Koreshkov N.A. Life and Scientific Work of V.V. Morozov (On the 100th Anniversary) 6
Zabotina N.P. My Grand-Dad Vladimir Vladimirovich Morozov 13
Letters to V.V. Morozov 17
Polotovskiy G.M. V.V. Morozov, D.A. Gudkov and the First Part of the 16th Hilbert Problem 31
Abyzov A.N., Alpin Yu.A., Koreshkov N.A., Nasrutdinov M.F., Tronin S.N. Algebraic Studies at Kazan University from V.V. Morozov to Our Days 44
Alpin Yu.A., Alpina V.S. On the Normal Form of a Stochastic Matrix 60
Vostokov S.V., Ivanov M.A. Cauchy's Integral Theorem and Classical Reciprocity Law 73
Efimov K.S., Makhnev A.A. On Completely Regular Graphs with k =11, λ = 4 83
Zhuchok A.V. Decompositions of Free Dimonoids 93
Zhuchok Yu.V., Kirtadze L.V. On Weakly Prime Ideals of Quasi-Ordered Semigroups 101
Kalimullin I.Sh., Faizrakhmanov M.Kh. Limitwise Monotonic Spectra of Σ02-Sets 107
Korneeva N.N. Monadic Theories of Infinite Sequences under Asynchronous Automata Transformations 117
Tronin S.N. Verbal Categories and Identities of Universal Algebras 125
Frolov A.N. Linear Orderings. Coding Theorems 142
Arslanov M.M. Relative Enumerability and the d-c. e. Degrees 152
Kastermans B., Zhang Y. On Cofinitary Groups 159
Nurakunov A., Semenova M., Zamojska-Dzienio A. On Lattices Connected with Various Types of Classes of Algebraic Structures 167
Shum K.P., Ren X.M., Gong C.M. On Constructions of Semigroups 180
Skryabin S.M. On the Locus of p-Characters Defining Simple Reduced Enveloping Algebras 196
Wu G., Yamaleev M.M. Isolation: Motivations and Applications 204