Публикации 2017
Основные результаты научной работы на кафедре физической химии в 2017 году опубликованы в научных статьях:
Nagrimanov, R.N. Determination of sublimation enthalpies of substituted benzophenones, fluorenes and diphenyl ethers by solution calorimetry approach [Text] / Nagrimanov R.N., Samatov A.A., Buzyorov A.V., Solomonov B.N. // Thermochim. Acta. – 2017. – V.655. – P.358-362.
Yagofarov, M.I. Thermochemistry of phase transitions of aromatic amines: Estimation of the sublimation enthalpy at 298.15 K through the fusion enthalpy [Text] / Yagofarov M.I., Nagrimanov R.N., Solomonov B.N. // J. Chem. Thermodyn. – 2017. – V.113. – P.301-307.
Ziganshin, M.A. Non-zeolitic properties of the dipeptide L-leucyl-L-leucine as a result of the specific nanostructures formation [Text] / M.A. Ziganshin, A.S. Safiullina, S.A. Ziganshina, A.V. Gerasimov, V.V. Gorbatchuk // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. – 2017. – V.19. –P.13788–13797
Gataullina, K.V. Smart polymorphism of thiacalix[4]arene with long-chain amide containing substituents [Text] / K.V. Gataullina, M.A. Ziganshin, I.I. Stoikov, A.E. Klimovitskii, A.T. Gubaidullin, K. Suwińska, V.V. Gorbatchuk // Cryst. Growth Des. – 2017. – V.17. – P.3512-3527.
Gatiatulin, A.K. Liquid Silyl Derivative of beta-Cyclodextrin [Text] / K. Gatiatulin, M.A. Ziganshin, G.I. Kurochkina, A.V. Popkov, M.K. Grachev, V.V. Gorbatchuk // Macroheterocycles.– 2017. – V.10(2). – P.233-237.
Knyazev, A.V. Thermodynamic properties of myo-inositol [Text] / A.V. Knyazev, V.N. Emel’yanenko, A.S. Shipilova, D.H. Zaitsau, M.I. Lelet, S.S. Knyazeva, E.V. Gusarova, M.A.Varfolomeev // The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. – 2018. – V.116. – Р.76-84.
Yagofarov, M.I. Sublimation enthalpies of 9 substituted acetanilides at 298 K estimated by solution calorimetry approach [Text] / Yagofarov M.I., Nagrimanov R.N., Solomonov B.N. // Thermochim. Acta. – 2017. – V.656. – P.85-89.
Nagrimanov, R.N. Non-additivity in the solvation enthalpies of NH-containing compounds and estimation of their sublimation enthalpies at 298 K [Text] / Nagrimanov R.N., Samatov A.A., Nasyrova T.M., Solomonov B.N. // J. Mol. Liq. – 2017. – V.246. – P.119-123.
Emel’yanenko, V.N. Benchmarking thermochemical experiments and calculations of nitrogen-containing substituted adamantanes [Text] / Emel’yanenko V.N., Nagrimanov R.N., Verevkin S.P. // J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. – 2017. – V.128. – P.1535-1546.
Yagofarov, M.I. Relationships between fusion, solution, vaporization and sublimation enthalpies of substituted phenols [Text] / Yagofarov M.I., Nagrimanov R.N., Solomonov B.N. // J. Chem. Thermodyn. – 2017. – V.105. – P.50-57.
Sedov, I.A. Abraham Model Expressions for Describing Water-to-Diethylene Glycol and Gas-to-Diethylene Glycol Solute Transfer Processes at 298.15 K [Text] / I.A. Sedov, T.I. Magsumov, E. Hart, E. Higgins, D. Grover, H. Zettl, M. Zad, W.E. Acree Jr., M.H. Abraham // Journal of Solution Chemistry. – 2017. – V. 46, № 2. – P. 331-351.
Sedov, I.A. Abraham model linear free energy relationships for describing the partitioning and solubility behavior of nonelectrolyte organic solutes dissolved in pyridine at 298.15 K [Text] / I.A. Sedov, T. Salikov, E. Hart, E. Higgins, W.E. Acree Jr., M.H. Abraham // Fluid Phase Equilibria. – 2017. – V.431. – P.66-74.
Hart, E. Corrigendum for development of Abraham model correlations for solute transfer into 2-methoxyethanol from water and from the gas phase at 298 K [J. Mol. Liq. (2015), 209, 738–744] (S0167732215301100) (10.1016/j.molliq.2015.05.037)) [Text] / E. Hart, D. Grover, H. Zettl, V. Koshevarova, S. Zhang, C. Dai, W.E. Acree Jr, I.A. Sedov, M.A. Stolov, M.H. Abraham // Journal of Molecular Liquids. – 2017. – V.232. – P.506.
Sedov, I.A. Corrigendum for “Development of Abraham Model Correlations for Solute Transfer into Both 2-Propoxyethanol and 2-Isopropoxyethanol at 298.15 K” (Journal of Molecular Liquids (2017) 241 (730) (S0167732217325199) (10.1016/j.molliq.2017.06.079)) [Text] / I.A. Sedov, D. Khaibrakhmanova, E. Hart, D. Grover, H. Zettl, V. Koshevarova, C. Dai, S. Zhang, A. Schmidt, W.E. Acree Jr, M.H. Abraham // Journal of Molecular Liquids. – 2017. – V.241. – P.730.
Ziganshin, M.A. Thermally Induced Self-Assembly and Cyclization of L-Leucyl-L-Leucine in Solid State [Text] / M.A. Ziganshin, A.S. Safiullina, A.V. Gerasimov, S.A. Ziganshina, A.E. Klimovitskii, K.R. Khayarov, V.V. Gorbatchuk // J. Phys. Chem. B. – 2017. – V.121, №36. – P.8603-8610.
Фролов, И.Н. Динамика формирования микроструктуры битума по данным модулированной дифференциальной сканирующей калориметрии [Текст] / И.Н. Фролов, Т.Н. Юсупова, М.А. Зиганшин, Е.С. Охотникова, А.А. Фирсин // Нефтехимия. – 2017. – Т.57,№ 6. – С.622-627.
Usmanova, L.S. A study of the formation of magnetically active solid dispersions of phenacetin using atomic and magnetic force microscopy [Text] / L.S. Usmanova, M.A. Ziganshin, V.V. Gorbatchuk, S.A. Ziganshina, D.A. Bizyaev, A.A. Bukharaev, T.A. Mukhametzyanov, A.V. Gerasimov // J. Adv. Pharm. Technol. Res. – 2017. – V.8. – P.2-7.
Németh, C. Effect of side groups on the properties of cationic polyaspartamides [Text] / C. Németh, D. Szabó, B. Gyarmati, A. Gerasimov, M. Varfolomeev, T. Abdullin, K. László, A. Szilágyi // European Polymer Journal. – 2017. – V.93. – P.805-814.
Gorbachuk, V.V. Modification of Oligolactic Acid with Tetracarboxylic p-tert-Butylthiacalix[4]-arene Derivatives: Effect of Macrocyclic Fragment Configuration on Aggregation and Thermal Properties of Copolyesters [Text] / V.V. Gorbachuk, O.A. Mostovaya, V.G. Evtugyn, Y.N. Osin, I.Kh. Rizvanov, A.V. Gerasimov, I.I. Stoikov // Macroheterocycles. – 2017. – V.10. – P.174-181.
Medvedeva, O.I. Magnetic Cobalt and Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles in Hyperbranched Polyester Polyol Matrix [Text] / O.I. Medvedeva, S.S. Kambulova, O.V. Bondar, A.R. Gataulina, N.A. Ulakhovich, A.V. Gerasimov, V.G. Evtugyn, I.F. Gilmutdinov, M.P. Kutyreva // Journal of Nanotechnology. – 2017. – V.2017. – Article ID 7607658.
Bakhtiyarova, Yu.V. Synthesis, structure, and antimicrobial activity of (carboxyalkyl)dimethylsulfonium halides [Text] / Yu.V. Bakhtiyarova, D.I. Bakhtiyarov, K.A. Ivshin, I.V. Galkina, I.I. Krasnyuk, A.V. Gerasimov, O.N. Kataeva, V.I. Galkin // Russ. J. Gen. Chem. – 2017. – V.87. – 1903-1907.
Ziatdinova, R.V. Modification of silica nanoparticles with stereisomers ofp-tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene containing four 2-oxo-2-{[3-(triethoxysilyl)prop-1-yl]amino}ethoxy substituents at the lower rim [Text] / R.V. Ziatdinova, N.A. Losev, I.S. Teren’tev, A.V. Gerasimov, L.S. Yakimova, V.G. Evtyugin, I.I. Stoikov // Russ. J. Gen. Chem. – 2017. V.87. – P. 1969-1976.
Sedov, I.A. Molecular dynamics study of unfolding of lysozyme in water and its mixtures with dimethyl sulfoxide [Text] / I.A. Sedov, T.I. Magsumov // Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. – 2017. – V.76. – P.466-474.
Neklyudov, V.V. New insights into the solubility of graphene oxide in water and alcohols [Text] / V.V. Neklyudov, N.R. Khafizov, I.A. Sedov, A.M. Dimiev // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. – 2017. – V.19,№ 26. – P.17000-17008.
Sedov, I.A. Solvation of apolar compounds in protic ionic liquids: The non-synergistic effect of electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonds [Text] / I.A. Sedov, T.I. Magsumov, T.M. Salikov, B.N. Solomonov // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. – 2017. – V.19, № 37. – P.25352-25359.
Kiselev, V.D. Solvent Influence on the Diels-Alder Reaction Rates of 9-(Hydroxymethyl)anthracene and 9,10-Bis(hydroxymethyl)anthracene with Two Maleimides [Text] / V.D. Kiselev, D.A. Kornilov, I.A. Sedov, A.I. Konovalov // International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. – 2017. – V.49, № 1. – P.61-68.
Vereshchagina, Y.A. Polarity and structure of derivatives of bis(2-phenylethyl)selenophosphinic acid [Text] / Y.A. Vereshchagina, R.R. Khanafieva, D.V. Chachkov, E.A. Ishmaeva, S.F. Malysheva, N.K. Gusarova, B.A. Trofimov // Pure and Applied Chemistry. – 2017. – V.89, N3. – P.393-401.
Верещагина, Я.А. Полярность некоторых производных диселенофосфиновой кислоты [Текст] / Я.А. Верещагина, Р.Р. Ханафиева, С.Ф. Малышева, Э.А. Ишмаева // Журн. общей химии. – 2017. – Т. 87, N 9. – С.1567-1569.
Galukhin, A. Catalytic Combustion of Heavy Oil in the Presence of Manganese-Based Submicroparticles in a Quartz Porous Medium [Text] / Galukhin A.V., Khelkhal M.A., Eskin, A.V., Osin Y.N // Energy and Fuels.- 2017. – V.31. – P.11253-11257.
Galukhin, A. Pyrolysis of Kerogen of Bazhenov Shale: Kinetics and Influence of Inherent Pyrite [Text] / Galukhin A., Gerasimov A., Nikolaev I., Nosov R., Osin Y.N // Energy and Fuels.- 2017. – V.31. – P.6777-6781.
Biktagirov, T. In Situ Identification of Various Structural Features of Vanadyl Porphyrins in Crude Oil by High-Field (3.4 T) Electron-Nuclear Double Resonance Spectroscopy Combined with Density Functional Theory Calculations [Text] / Biktagirov T., Gafurov M., Mamin G., Gracheva I., Galukhin A., Orlinskii S // Energy and Fuels. – 2017. – V.31. – P.1243-1249.
Boretskaya, A.V. Adsorption Properties of Palladium Particles Supported on Aluminum Oxides with Varied Acidity in Hydrogenation of Butadiene-1,3. [Text] / A.V. Boretskaya, I.R. Il’yasov, A.A. Lamberov, A.I. Laskin // Russian J. Appl. Chem. – 2017. – V.90, № 2. – P.161-168.
Lamberov, A.A. Pilot Tests of the Microspherical Aluminochromium KDI-M Catalyst for iso-Butane Dehydrogenation [Текст] /A.A. Lamberov, S.R. Egorova, Kh.Kh. Gilmanov, A.N. Kataev, G.E. Bekmukhamedov // Catalysis in Industry. – 2017. – V.9, N.1. – Р.17-22.
Khuzin, A. The influence of waste chromia-alumina catalyst and burning temperature on physic-mechanical properties of ceramics based on fusible clay [Text] /A. Khuzin, R. Mukhametrakhimov, A. Lamberov, S. Egorova // MATEC Web of Conferences. – 2017. – V.106, N 03011. – P.1-11.
Zagumennov, V.A. Electrooxidation of 1,3-di(paratolyl)-5-paratoluidinomethyl-1,3,5-diazaphosphorinane on soluble metallic anodes [Text] / Zagumennov V.A., Karasik A. A. // Journal Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements. – 2017. – V.192. – P.1-3.
Faizullin, D.A. // Novel type of isoprenoid membrane anchors: an investigation of binding properties with dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine vesicles [Text] / D.A. Faizullin, M.S. Dzyurkevich, Yu.A. Valiullina, D.R. Islamov, O.N. Kataeva, Yu. F. Zuev, V.V. Plemenkov, I.I. Stoikov // J. Phys. Org. Chem. – 2017. – V.30. – P.e3618.
Faizullin, D.A. Secondary structure and colloidal stability of beta-casein in microheterogeneous water-ethanol solutions [Text] / D.A. Faizullin, T.A. Konnova, T. Haertle, Yu.F. Zuev // Food Hydrocolloids. – 2017. – V.63. – P.349-355.
Kiselev, V.D. Cyclic and Acyclic N═N Bonds in Reactions with Some Alkenes and Dienes [Text] / V.D. Kiselev, D.A. Kornilov, A.I. Konovalov // International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. ─ 2017. ─ V.49. ─ P. 562-575.
Киселев, В.Д. Влияние гидростатического давления, температуры и растворителя на скорость реакции Дильса-Альдера между 9,10-антрацендиметанолом и малеиновым ангидридом [Текст] / В.Д. Киселев, Д.А. Корнилов, О.В. Аникин, Л.И. Латыпова, А.И. Коновалов // Журнал Физической Химии. ─ 2017. ─ Т.91. ─ C.446-449.
Корнилов Д.А. Определение эффекта ускорения реакций при повышенном гидростатическом давлении [Текст] / Д.А Корнилов, В.Д. Киселев, А.И. Коновалов // Известия Академии Наук. Серия химическая. ─ 2017. ─ № 3. ─ С.564-566.
Abdelaziz, A. Melting temperature and heat of fusion of cytosine revealed from fast scanning calorimetry [Text] / A. Abdelaziz, D. H. Zaitsau, T. A. Mukhametzyanov, B. N. Solomonov, P. Cebe, S. P. Verevkin, C. Shick // Thermochimica Acta. ─ 2017. ─ V.657. ─ P.47-55.
Fedorenko, S.V. Cellular imaging by green luminescence of Tb(III)-doped aminomodified silica nanoparticles [Text] / S. V. Fedorenko, A. R. Mustafina, A. R. Mukhametshina, M. E. Jilkin, T. A. Mukhametzyanov, A. O. Solovieva, T. N. Pozmogova, L. V. Shestopalova, M. A. Shestopalov, K. V. Kholin, Y. N. Osin, O. G. Sinyashin // Materials Science and Engineering C. ─ 2017. ─V.76. ─ P.551-558.
Padnya, P.L. Self-assembly of chiral fluorescent nanoparticles based on water-soluble L-tryptophan derivatives of p-tert-butylthiacalix[4]arene [Text]/ P. L. Padnya, I. A. Khripunova, O. A. Mostovaya, T. A. Mukhametzyanov, V.G. Evtugyn, V. V. Vorobev, Y. N. Osin, I. I. Stoikov // Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. ─ 2017. ─ V.8. ─ P.1825-1835.
Lisitsyn, Yu.A. Electrochemical amination. Selective introduction of two amino groups into an aromatic ring [Text] / Yu.A. Lisitsyn, A.V. Sukhov // Russ. J. Gen. Chem. – 2017. – V.87. – P.20-25.
Lisitsyn, Yu.A. Electrochemical amination of benzene in aqueous-acetic solutions of sulfuric acid [Text] / Yu.A. Lisitsyn, A.V. Sukhov // Russ. J. Gen. Chem. – 2017. – V.87. – P.737-741.
Gafurov, Z.N. Electrochemical methods for synthesis of organoelement compounds and functional materials [Text] / Z.N. Gafurov, O.G. Sinyashin, D.G. Yakhvarov // Pure Appl. Chem. – 2017. – V.89. – P.1089-1103.
Gafurov, Z.N. Study of the reactivity of organonickel sigma-complexes towards nitriles [Text] / Z.N. Gafurov, I.F. Sakhapov, V.M. Babaev, A.B. Dobrynin, V.A. Kurmaz, K.E. Metlushka, I.K. Rizvanov, G.R. Shaikhutdinova, O.G. Sinyashin, D. G. Yakhvarov // Russ. Chem. Bull. – 2017. – V.66. – P.254-259.
Gafurov, Z.N. Nickel and palladium N-heterocyclic carbene complexes. Synthesis and application in cross-coupling reactions [Text] / Z.N. Gafurov, A.O. Kantyukov, A.A. Kagilev, A.A. Balabayev, O.G. Sinyashin, D.G. Yakhvarov // Russ. Chem. Bull. – 2017. – V.66. – P.1529-1535.
Khusnuriyalova, A.F. Tracking of the formation of binuclear nickel complexes of [Ni2(m-O2PR1R2)2(bpy)4]Br2 type by ESI and MALDI mass spectrometry [Text] / A.F. Khusnuriyalova, V.M. Babaev, I.Kh. Rizvanov, K.E. Metlushka, V.A. Alfonsov, O.G. Sinyashin, D.G. Yakhvarov // Polyhedron – 2017. – V.127. – P.302-306.
Nikitina, L. Extraordinary behavior of β-hydroxy sulfoxides and sulfone of pinane series [Text] / Nikitina L., Lodochnikova O., Startseva V., Bodrov A., Artemova N., Klimovitskii A., Klochkov V. // Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements. – 2017. – V.192. – P.187-191.
Sirotkin, V.A. Lysozyme in water-acetonitrile mixtures: Preferential solvation at the inner edge of excess hydration [Text] / V.A. Sirotkin, A.A. Kuchierskaya // Journal of Chemical Physics. – 2017. – V.146. – P.215101-215108.
Sirotkin, V.A. Preferential solvation/hydration of α-chymotrypsin in water-acetonitrile mixtures [Text] / V.A. Sirotkin, A.A. Kuchierskaya // Journal of Physical Chemistry B. – 2017. – V.121. – P.4422-4430.
Sirotkin, V.A. α-Chymotrypsin in water-acetone and water-dimethyl sulfoxide mixtures: Effect of preferential solvation and hydration [Text] / V.A. Sirotkin, A.A. Kuchierskaya // Proteins. – 2017. – V.85. – P.1808-1819.
Sirotkin, V.A. α-Chymotrypsin in water-ethanol mixtures: Effect of preferential interactions [Text] / V.A. Sirotkin, A.A. Kuchierskaya // Chemical Physics Letters. – 2017. – V.689. – P.156-161.
Knyazev, A.V. Comprehensive thermodynamic study of methylprednisolone [Text] / A.V. Knyazev, V.N. Emel’yanenko, N.N. Smirnova, D.H. Zaitsau, O.V. Stepanova, A.S. Shipilova, A.V. Markin, E.V. Gusarova, S.S. Knyazeva, S.P. Verevkin // Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. – 2017. – V.107. – Р.37-41.
Emel'yanenko, V.N. Thermochemical properties of different 1-(R-phenyl)-1H-imidazoles [Text] / V.N. Emel'yanenko, M. Kaliner, T. Strassner, S.P. Verevkin // Fluid Phase Equilibria. – 2017. – V.433. – Р.40-49.
Stolov, M.A. Enthalpies of solution and enthalpies of solvation of organic solutes in ethylene glycol at 298.15 K: Prediction and analysis of intermolecular interaction contributions [Text] / M.A. Stolov, K.V. Zaitseva, M.A. Varfolomeev, W.E. Acree // Thermochimica Acta. – 2017. – V.648. – Р.91-99.
Agieienko, V. Hydration and self-aggregation of a neutral cosolute from dielectric relaxation spectroscopy and MD simulations: the case of 1, 3-dimethylurea [Text] / V. Agieienko, D. Horinek, R. Buchner // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. – 2017. – V.19. – Р.219-230.
Ushakova, A. Study of the Radical Chain Mechanism of Hydrocarbon Oxidation for In Situ Combustion Process [Text] / A. Ushakova, V. Zatsepin, M. Varfolomeev, D. Emelyanov // Journal of Combustion. – 2017. – V.2017. – Р.1-12.
Rakipov, I.T. Thermochemistry of hydrogen bonding of linear and cyclic amides in proton acceptors media [Text] / I.T. Rakipov, A.N. Sabirzyanov, A.A. Petrov, A.A. Akhmadiayrov, M.A. Varfolomeev, B.N. Solomonov // Thermochimica Acta. – 2017. – V.652. – Р.34-38.
Khachatrian, A.A. Group additivity approach for determination of solvation enthalpies of aromatic compounds in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate based on solution calorimetry data [Text] / A.A. Khachatrian, Z. I. Shamsutdinova, M.A. Varfolomeev // Journal of Molecular Liquids. – 2017. – V.236. – Р.278-282.
Marczak, W. Molecular Aggregation in Binary Mixtures of Pyrrolidine, N-Methylpyrrolidine, Piperidine, and N-Methylpiperidine with Water: Thermodynamic, SANS, and Theoretical Studies [Text] / W. Marczak, M. Varfolomeev, I. Rakipov, P. Lodowski, K. Kowalska-Szojda, M. Łȩz̀niak, L. Almásy, A. Len // The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. – 2017. – V.121. – Р.3070-3086.
Kök, M.V. Thermal characterization of crude oils in the presence of limestone matrix by TGA-DTG-FTIR [Text] / M.V. Kök, M.A. Varfolomeev, D.K. Nurgaliev // Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. – 2017. – V.73. – P.129-141.
Kök, M.V. Crude oil characterization using TGA-DTA, TGA-FTIR and TGA-MS techniques [Text] / M.V. Kök, M.A. Varfolomeev, D.K. Nurgaliev // Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. – 2017. – Р.495-501.
Zaitsau, D.H. Alkyl-imidazolium tetrafluoroborates: Vapor pressure, thermodynamics of vaporization, and enthalpies of formation [Text] / D.H. Zaitsau, A.V. Yermalayeu, T.J.S. Schubert, S.P. Verevkin // Journal of Molecular Liquids. – 2017. – V.242. – Р.951-957.
Emel’yanenko, V.N. Thermodynamic Properties of 1, 4-Benzoquinones in Gaseous and Condensed Phases: Experimental and Theoretical Studies [Text] / V.N. Emel’yanenko, M.A. Varfolomeev, V.B. Novikov, V.V. Turovtsev, Y.D. Orlov // Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. – 2017. – V.62. – Р.2413-2422.
Zhukov, A.Y. Use of Kinetic Inhibitors of Gas Hydrate Formation in Oil and Gas Production Processes: Current State and Prospects of Development [Text] / A.Y. Zhukov, M.A. Stolov, M.A. Varfolomeev // Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils. – 2017. – Р.1-5.
Emel’yanenko, V.N. Thermochemical Properties of Xanthine and Hypoxanthine Revisited [Text] / V.N. Emel’yanenko, D.H. Zaitsau, S.P. Verevkin // Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. – 2017. – V.62. – Р.2606-2609.
Härtel, M.A.C. Aliphatic nitroalkanes: Evaluation of thermochemical data with complementary experimental and computational methods [Text] / M.A.C. Härtel, T.M. Klapötke, V.N. Emel’yanenko, S.P. Verevkin // Thermochimica Acta. – 2017. – V.656. – Р.151-160.Grachev,
Фролов, И.Н. Термодинамические и термокинетические процессы формирования дисперсной структуры битум [Текст] / И.Н. Фролов, Т.Н. Юсупова, М.А. Зиганшин, А.А. Фирсин // Нефтепереработка и нефтехимия. Научно-технические достижения и передовой опыт. – 2017. – №1. – С.6-10.
Фролов, И.Н. Интерпретация эндотермических эффектов на ДСК термограммах битумов [Текст] / И.Н. Фролов, Н.Ю. Башкирцева, М.А. Зиганшин, А.А. Фирсин // Нефтепереработка и нефтехимия. Научно-технические достижения и передовой опыт. – 2017. – № 6. – С.13-17.
Шигапов, М.Я. Гиперразветвленные функционализированные полиэфиры для создания перспективных хемомодифицированных сорбентов [Текст] / М.Я. Шигапов, А.Р. Гатаулина, А.В. Герасимов, Н.А. Улахович, М.П. Кутырева // Перспективные материалы. – 2017. – Т.9. – С.30-39.