Публикации 2016
Основные результаты научной работы на кафедре физической химии в 2016 году опубликованы в научных статьях:
Solomonov B.N. Additive scheme for calculation of solvation enthalpies of heterocyclic aromatic compounds. Sublimation/vaporization enthalpy at 298.15 K [Text] / Solomonov B.N., Nagrimanov R.N., Mukhametzyanov T.A. // Thermochim. Acta-2016.-V.633.-P.37-47.
Agieienko V. Urea hydration from dielectric relaxation spectroscopy: Old findings confirmed, new insights gained [Text] / Agieienko V., Buchner R. // Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. - 2016. - v.18(4). - pp. 2597-2607.
Sedov, I.A. Solvation of hydrocarbons in aqueous-organic mixtures [Text] / I.A. Sedov, T.I. Magsumov, B.N. Solomonov // Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. – 2016. – V.96. – P.153-160.
Solomonov B.N. Enthalpies of fusion and enthalpies of solvation of aromatic hydrocarbons derivatives: Estimation of sublimation enthalpies at 298.15 K [Text] / Solomonov B.N., Nagrimanov R.N., Varfolomeev M.A., Buzyurov A.V., Mukhametzyanov T.A. // Thermochim. Acta-2016.-V.627–629.-P.77-82.
Gatiatulin, A.K. Using water-mimic organic compounds to activate guest inclusion by initially dry beta-cyclodextrin [Text] / A.K. Gatiatulin, M.А. Ziganshin, G. Yumaeva, A.T. Gubaidullin, K. Suwinska and V.V. Gorbatchuk // RSC Adv. – 2016. – V.6. – P.61984-61995.
Zaitsau D.H. Structure-property relationships in ionic liquids: Influence of branched and cyclic groups on vaporization enthalpies of imidazolium-based Ils [Text] / Zaitsau D.H., Varfolomeev M.A., Verevkin S.P., Stanton A.D., Hindman M.S., Bara J.E. // J. Chem. Thermodyn. - 2016. - v. 93. - pp. 151-156.
Khachatrian A.A. Enthalpies of solution and enthalpies of solvation of chloro- and nitro- substituted benzenes in 1-butyl-3-methyl imidazolium based ionic liquids at 298.15 K: Additivity of group contributions [Text] / Khachatrian A.A., Shamsutdinova Z.I., Varfolomeev M.A. // Thermochimica Acta. - 2016. - v. 641. - pp. 71-78.
Galukhin, A.V. Mn-catalyzed oxydation of heavy oil in porous media: kinetics and some aspects of mechanism [Text] / A.V. Galukhin, M.A. Khelkhal, A.V. Gerasimov, T. Biktagirov, M.R Gafurov, A. Rodionov, S.B. Orlinskii // Energy and Fuels. − 2016. − V.30. − P.7731-7737.
Gabdulkhaev, M.N. Nonlinear effect of two remembered guests in their mixtures on the host memory for guest inclusion and release [Text] / M.N. Gabdulkhaev, A.K. Gatiatulin, M.A. Ziganshin, V.V. Gorbatchuk // J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. – 2016. – V.126, Issue 2. – P.627-632.
Varfolomeev M.A. Chemical evaluation and kinetics of Siberian, north regions of Russia and Republic of Tatarstan crude oils [Text] / Varfolomeev M.A., Nagrimanov R.N., Samatov A.A., Rakipov I.T., Nikanshin A.D., Vakhin A.V. , Nurgaliev D.K., Kok M.V. // Energ. Source Part A-2016.-V.38.-P.1031-1038.
Ziganshin, M.A. Thermally induced diphenylalanine cyclization in solid phase [Text] / M.A. Ziganshin, A.V. Gerasimov, S.A. Ziganshina, N.S. Gubina, G.R. Abdullina, A.E. Klimovitskii, V.V. Gorbatchuk, A.A. Bukharaev // J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. – 2016. – V.125, Issue 2. – P.905-912.
Emel’yanenko V.N. Adamantanes: Benchmarking of thermochemical properties [Text] / Emel’yanenko V.N., Nagrimanov R.N., Solomonov B.N., Verevkin S.P. // J. Chem. Thermodyn.-2016.-V.101.-P.130-138.Nagrimanov R.N. Six-membered ring aliphatic compounds: A search for regularities in phase transitions [Text] / Nagrimanov R.N., Solomonov B.N., Emel´yanenko V.N., Verevkin S.P. // Thermochim. Acta-2016.-V.638.-P.80–88.
Nagrimanov R.N. Non-additivity in the solvation enthalpies of substituted phenols and estimation of their enthalpies of vaporization/sublimation at 298.15 K [Text] / Nagrimanov R.N., Samatov A.A., Solomonov B.N. // J. Mol. Liq.-2016.-V.221.-P.914–918.
Zhabina A.A. Nicotinamides: Evaluation of thermochemical experimental properties / Zhabina A.A., Nagrimanov R.N., Emel’yanenko V. N., Solomonov B.N., Verevkin S.P. // J. Chem. Thermodyn.-2016.-V.103.-P.69-75.
Solomonov B.N. Fusion enthalpies of benzoic acid derivatives, aromatic and heteroaromatic carboxylic acids as a tool for estimation of sublimation enthalpies at 298.15 K [Text] / Solomonov B.N., Nagrimanov R.N., Yagofarov M. I. // Fluid Phase Equilibr.-2016.-V.430.-P.93-100.
Emel’yanenko V.N. Benchmark Thermodynamic Properties of Methyl- and Methoxy-Benzamides: Comprehensive Experimental and Theoretical Study [Text] / Emel’yanenko V.N., Zaitseva K.V., Nagrimanov R.N., Solomonov B.N., Verevkin S.P. // J. Phys. Chem. A-2016.-V.120.-P.8419-8429.
Yagofarov M.I. Estimation of sublimation enthalpies of aromatic amides at 298.15 K from the values of fusion enthalpies [Text] / Yagofarov M.I., Nagrimanov R.N., Solomonov B.N. // Thermochim. Acta-2016.-V.646.-P.26–31.
Verevkin S.P. Nearest and Non Nearest Neighbor Interactions Between Substituents in the Benzene Ring. Experimental and Theoretical Study of Functionally Substituted Benzamides [Text] / Verevkin S.P., Emel’yanenko V.N., Nagrimanov R.N. // J. Phys. Chem. A-2016.-V. .-P. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.6b10332.
Зиганшин, М.А. АСМ исследование тонких пленок олигопептида L-валил-L-валин до и после взаимодействия с парообразными соединениями [Текст] / М. А. Зиганшин, Н.С. Губина, В.В. Горбачук, С.А. Зиганшина, А.П. Чукланов, Д.А. Бизяев, А.А. Бухараев // Поверхность. рентгеновские, синхротронные и нейтронные исследования. – 2016. – № 2. – С.55-61.
Фролов, И.Н. Особенности формирования коллоидной дисперсной структуры в нефтяном битуме [Текст] / И.Н. Фролов, Т.Н. Юсупова, М.А. Зиганшин, Е.С. Охотникова, А.А. Фирсин // Коллоидный журнал. – 2016. – Т.78,№5. – С.1-5.
Frolov, I. N. The steric hardening and structuring of paraffinic hydrocarbons in bitumen [Text] / I. N. Frolov, N. Y. Bashkirceva, M. A. Ziganshin, E. S. Okhotnikova, A. A.Firsin. // Petroleum Science and Technology. – 2016. – V.34,№20. – P.1675-1680.
Фролов, И.Н. Исследование нефтяных битумов методом модулированной дифференциальной сканирующей калориметрии [Текст] / И.Н. Фролов, Т.Н. Юсупова, М.А. Зиганшин, Е.С. Охотникова, А.А. Фирсин // Нефтепереработка и нефтехимия. Научно-технические достижения и передовой опыт. – 2016. – №5. – С.10-15.
Фролов, И.Н. Релаксационные и фазовые переходы при формировании структуры нефтяных битумов по данным модулированной ДСК [Текст] / И.Н. Фролов, Т.Н. Юсупова, М.А. Зиганшин, Е.С. Охотникова, А.А. Фирсин // Вестник Казанского технологического университета. – 2016. – Т.19,№5. – С.67-72.
Gerasimov A.V. Thermodynamics of dissolution and infrared spectroscopy of solid dispersions of phenacetin [Text] / A.V. Gerasimov, M.A. Varfolomeev, M.A. Ziganshin, V.V. Gorbatchuk, I.T. Rakipov, A.E. Klimovitskii, L.S. Usmanova // J. Adv. Pharm. Technol. Res. – 2016. – V.7. – P.6-12.
Заиров Р.Р. Наночастицы на основе комплексов гадолиния(III) и европия(III) для биовизуализации [Текст] / Р.Р. Заиров, Н.А. Шамсутдинова, А.Н. Фаттахова, А.В. Пятаев, А.Ф. Абдуллин, А.В. Герасимов, А.Т. Губайдуллин, А.Р. Мустафина // Изв. Акад. наук. Сер. хим. – 2016. – №5. – С.1325-1331.
Sedov, I.A. Standard molar Gibbs free energy and enthalpy of solvation of low polar solutes in formamide derivatives at 298 K [Text]/ I.A. Sedov, T.I. Magsumov, M.A. Stolov, B.N. Solomonov // Thermochimica Acta. – 2016. – V.623. – P.9-14.
Sedov, I.A. A procedure for calibration of differential scanning calorimeters [Text] / I.A. Sedov, T.A. Muhametzyanov, B.N. Solomonov // Thermochimica Acta. – 2016. – V.639. – P.10-13.
Sedov I.A., B.N. Solomonov. Thermodynamic description of the solvophobic effect in ionic liquids [Text]/ I.A. Sedov, B.N. Solomonov // Fluid Phase Equilibria. – 2016. – V.425. – P.9-14.
Sedov, I.A. Thermodynamic functions of solvation of benzene in various binary aqueous-organic solvents [Text] / I.A. Sedov, T.I. Magsumov, B.N. Solomonov // Journal of Molecular Liquids. – 2016. – V.224B. – P.1205-1209.
Малышева, С.Ф. Синтез и конформационный анализ фосфинселенидов [Текст] / Н.А. Белогорлова, Я.А. Верещагина, А.З. Алимова, Э.А. Ишмаева, Д.В. Чачков // Журн. общ. химии. – 2016. – Т.86,Вып. 3. – С.448-460.
Vereshchagina, Ya.A. Mechanism of the hydrolysis reactions of 1-hydroxysilatrane and 1-hydroxygermatrane, 2,2-hydroxysilocane and 2,2-dihydroxygermocane [Text] /Ya.A. Vereshchagina, D.V. Chachkov, A.Z. Alimova, E.A. Ishmaeva // Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements. – 2016. – V.191,№ 3. – P.406-501.
Верещагина, Я.А. Полярность и строение P(X)-модифицированных (X = O, S) N-арилкарбомоилметилфосфиноксидов и сульфидов [Текст] / Я.А. Верещагина, Р.Р.Ханафиева, Д.В. Чачков, О.И. Артюшин, Е.В. Шарова, Э.А. Ишмаева // Журн. орг. химии. − 2016. − Т.52,№ 10 − С.1425-1429.
Shurpik, D.N. Synthesis and properties of chiral nanoparticles based on (pS)- and (pR)-decasubstituted pillar[5]arenes containing secondary amide fragments / D. N. Shurpik, P. L. Padnya, V. G. Evtugyn, T. A. Mukhametzyanov, A. A. Khannanov, M. P. Kutyrevaa, I. I. Stoikov // RSC Adv. – 2016. – V. 6. – P. 9124-9131
Varfolomeev, M.A. Thermal decomposition of Tatarstan Ashal’cha heavy crude oil and its SARA fractions [Text] / M.A. Varfolomeev, A. Galukhin, D.K. Nurgaliev, M.V. Kok // Fuel. − 2016. − V.186. − P.122–127.
Galukhin, A.V. P-tert-Butylthiacalix[4]arenes equipped with guanidinium fragments: Aggregation, cytotoxicity, and DNA binding abilities [Text] / A. Galukhin, I. Imatdinov, Y. Osin // RSC Advances. − 2016. − V.6 (39). − P.32722-32726.
"Бекмухамедов, Г.Э. Опытно-промышленные испытания микросферического алюмохромового катализатора КДИ-М в прцессе дегидрирования изобутана [Текст] / Г.Э. Бекмухамедов, А.А. Ламберов, С.Р. Егорова, Х.Х. Гильманов, А.Н. Катаев //Катализ в промышленности. – Т.16,№ 5. – 2016. – С.30-34.
Nazarov, M.V. Upgrading the industrial process flowsheet for the dehydration of methylbutenes to isoprene. II: Analysis of plant test results and industrial implementation of the upgraded design [Text] / A.A. Lamberov, K.K. Gilmanov, R.R. Gilmullin, M.V. Nazarov, P.V. Urtyakov, Y. Nekhidzha // Catalysis in Industry. – V.8, Issue 3. – P.248-256.
Bekmukhamedov, G.E. Modification by SiO2 of Alumina Support for Light Alkane Dehydrogenation Catalysts [Text] / G.E. Bekmukhamedov, A.N. Mukhamed’yarova, S.R. Egorova, A.A. Lamberov // Catalysts. – 2016. – V.6.(10). – P.162-181.
Egorova, S.R. On the Nature of Phase Conversions and Transformations in Porous System in Hydrothermal Processing of χ-Al2O3 into Boehmite [Text] / S.R. Egorova, G.E. Bekmukhamedov, A.N. Mukhamed’yarova, A.A. Lamberov // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. – 2016. – V.89(5). – P.703-713.
Solov’ev, S.A. Effect of the design of a feedstock injection device in a fluidized-bed reactor on the efficiency of the reaction using the dehydrogenation of iso-paraffins in a fluidized chromia–alumina catalyst bed as an example [text] / S.A. Solov’ev, A.G. Egorov, A.A. Lamberov, S.R. Egorova, A.N. Kataev // Catalysis in Industry. – 2016. – V.8, Issue 1. – P.48-55.
Toleikis, Z. Volume of Hsp90 Protein−Ligand Binding Determined by Fluorescent Pressure Shift Assay, Densitometry, and NMR [Text] / Z. Toleikis, V.A. Sirotkin, G. Skvarnavicius // Journal of Physcal Chemistry B. – 2016. – V.120. – P 9903-9912.
Kiselev, V.D. Solvent Influence on the Diels-Alder Reaction Rates of 9-(Hydroxymethyl) anthracene and 9,10-Bis(hydroxymethyl) anthracene with Two Maleimides [Text] / V.D. Kiselev, D.A. Kornilov, I.A. Sedov, A.I. Konovalov // International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. – 2016. – V.49. – P.61-68.
Киселев, В.Д. Кинетика и термохимия реакции [2π+2σ+2σ]-циклоприсоединения между квадрицикланом и тетрацианоэтиленом [Текст] / В.Д. Киселев, Д.А. Корнилов, О.В. Аникин, Л.И. Латыпова, М.В. Бермешев, П.П. Чапала, А.И. Коновалов // Журнал органической химии. – 2016. – Т.52. – С.793-795.
Киселев, В.Д. Гидрофобное ускорение в реакции Дильса-Альдера 9-гидроксиметилантрацена с N-фенилмалеинимидом [Текст] / В.Д. Киселев, Е.А. Кашаева, Л.Н. Потапова, Д.А. Корнилов, Л.И. Латыпова, А.И. Коновалов // Известия Академии наук. Серия химическая. – 2016. – №9. – С.2202-2205.
Zagumennov V.A. Electrooxidation of 1,3-di(paratolyl)-5-paratoluidinomeyhyl-1,3,5-diazaphos¬phorinane on soluble metallic anodes [paper] / Zagumennov V.A., Karasik A. A. // Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon, Taylor and Fransis Group. 2016. – DOI: 10.1080/10426507.2016
Fomina, O. The synthesis of novel N-heterocyclic α-diphenylphosphino glycines [Text] / O. Fomina, J. Heinicke, O. Sinyashin, D. Yakhvarov // Phosphorus, Sulfur Silicon Relat. Elem. – 2016. - V.191. – P. 1478-1479.Gorbachuk, E.V. Reactivity of phosphine oxide H3PO towards ketones [Text] / E.V. Gorbachuk, E.K. Badeeva, V.M. Babaev, I.Kh. Rizvanov, R.G. Zinnatullin, P.O. Pavlov, Kh.R. Khayarov, D.G. Yakhvarov // Russ. Chem. Bull. – 2016. – P.1289-1294.
Gorbachuk, E.V. Polymorphism and thermodynamic properties of chloro(cyclopentadienyl)bis(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II) complex [Text] / E.V. Gorbachuk, E.K. Badeeva, R.G. Zinnatullin, P.O. Pavlov , A.B. Dobrynin, A.T. Gubaidullin, M.A. Ziganshin, A.V. Gerasimov, O.G. Sinyashin // J. Organom.Chem. – 2016. – V.805. – Р.49-53.
Gorbachuk, E.V. Thermal stability of primary and secondary phosphine oxides formed as a reaction of phosphine oxide with ketones [Text] / E.V. Gorbachuk, E K. Badeeva, S.A. Katsyuba, P.O. Pavlov, Kh.R. Khayarov, O.G. Sinyashin, D.G. Yakhvarov // Phosphorus, Sulfur Silicon Relat. Elem. – 2016. – V.191. – P.1480-1481.
Sakhapov, I.F. Electrochemical properties and reactivity oforganonickel sigma-complex [NiBr(Mes)(bpy)] (Mes = 2,4,6-trimethylphenyl, bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine) [Text] / I.F. Sakhapov, Z.N. Gafurov, V.M. Babaev, V.A. Kurmaz, R.R. Mukhametbareev, I.Kh. Rizvanov, O.G. Sinyashin, D.G. Yakhvarov // Russ. J. Electrochem. – 2015. – V.51. – P.1061.
Sakhapov, I.F. First example of organonickel complex bearing three cyclic substituents in the sigma-bonded aromatic ring: Bromo[(2,2’-bipyridine)-2,4,6-tricyclohexylphenylnickel] [Text]/ I.F. Sakhapov, Z.N. Gafurov, V.M. Babaev, I.K. Rizvanov, A.B. Dobrynin, D.B. Krivolapov, Kh.R. Khayarov, O.G. Sinyashin, D.G. Yakhvarov // Mendel. Comm. – 2016 – V.26. – P.131-133.
Gafurov, Z.N. The formation of secondary arylphosphines in the reaction of organonickelsigma-complex [NiBr(Mes)(bpy)], where Mes = 2,4,6-trimethylphenyl, bpy =2,2’ -bipyridine, with phenylphosphine [Text] / Z.N. Gafurov, L.I. Musin, I.F. Sakhapov, V.M. Babaev, E.I. Musina, A.A. Karasik, O.G. Sinyashin, D.G. Yakhvarov // Phosphorus, Sulfur Silicon Relat. Elem. – 2016. – V.11. – P.1475-1477.
Musin, L.I. Novel Azo-Dyes-Modified Isatin Derivatives: Synthesis, UV/VIS Spectroscopic, and Electrochemical Study [Text] / L.I. Musin, I.T. Abdullin, A.E. Vandyukov, D.G. Yakhvarov, R.G. Zinnatullin, V.F. Mironov, A.V. Bogdanov // Helvetica Chimica Acta. – 2016. – V.99. – P.597-600.
Varfolomeev M.A. Calorimetric study approach for crude oil combustion in the presence of clay as catalyst [Text] / Varfolomeev M.A., Nurgaliev D.K., Kok M.V. // Petroleum Science and Technology. - 2016. - v. 34(19). - pp. 1624-1630.
Varfolomeev M.A. Thermal, kinetics, and oxidation mechanism studies of light crude oils in limestone and sandstone matrix using TG-DTG-DTA: Effect of heating rate and mesh size [Text] / Varfolomeev M.A., Nurgaliev D.K., Kok M.V. // Petroleum Science and Technology. - 2016. - v. 34(19). - pp. 1647-1653.
Zherikova K.V. Thermochemistry of halogenobenzoic acids as an access to PC-SAFT solubility modeling [Text] / Zherikova K.V., Svetlov A.A., Varfolomeev M.A., Verevkin S.P., Held C. // Fluid Phase Equilibria. - 2016. - v.408. - pp. 399-407.
Varfolomeev M.A. Speed of Sound, Density, and Related Thermodynamic Excess Properties of Binary Mixtures of 2-Pyrrolidone and N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone with Acetonitrile and Chloroform [Text] / Varfolomeev M.A., Rakipov I.T., Solomonov B.N., Marczak W. // Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. - 2016. - v.61(3). - pp. 1032-1046.
Varfolomeev M.A. Thermodynamics of hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions of organic solutes in solutions of i midazolium based ionic liquids: "Structure-property" relationships [Text] / Varfolomeev M.A., Khachatrian A.A., Akhmadeev B.S., Solomonov B.N. // Thermochimica Acta. - 2016. - v. 633. - pp. 12-23.
Rakipov I.T. Thermodynamic of dissolution and hydrogen bond of the pyrrole, N-methylpyrrole with proton acceptors [Text] / Rakipov I.T., Petrov A.A., Akhmadeev B.S., Varfolomeev M.A., Solomonov B.N. // Thermochimica Acta. - 2016. - v. 640. - pp. 19-25.
Ostonen A. Experimental and Theoretical Thermodynamic Study of Distillable Ionic Liquid 1,5-Diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-5-enium Acetate [Text] / Ostonen A., Bervas J., Uusi-Kyyny P., Alopaeus V., Zaitsau D.H., Emel'Yanenko V.N., Schick C., King A.W.T., Helminen J., Kilpeläinen I., Khachatrian A.A., Varfolomeev M.A., Verevkin S.P. // Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. - 2016. - v.55(39). - pp. 10445-10454.
Khachatrian A.A. Enthalpies of solution of 1-ethyl- and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium based ionic liquids in tetrahydrofuran and chloroform at 298.15 K: Thermochemical proton acceptor scale of anions [Text] / Khachatrian A.A., Varfolomeev M.A., Akhmadeev B.S.// Thermochimica Acta. - 2016. - v. 641. - pp. 71-78.
Turovtsev V.V. A study of the electronic structure and properties of the propargyl radical [Text] / Turovtsev V.V., Chernova E.M., Sitnikov V.N., Emel’yanenko V.N., Orlov Y.D. // Journal of Structural Chemistry. - 2016. - v.57(1). - pp. 423-430.
Turovtsev V.V. Thermodynamic functions of lactones in the gaseous state [Text] / Turovtsev V.V., Emel’yanenko V.N., Orlov Y.D. // Russian Chemical Bulletin. - 2016. - v. 65(1). - pp. 82-90.