Публикации 2014
Основные результаты научной работы на кафедре физической химии в 2014 году опубликованы в научных статьях:
Solomonov, B.N. Solution calorimetry as a complementary tool for the determination of enthalpies of vaporization and sublimation of low volatile compounds at 298.15 K [Text] / B.N. Solomonov, M.A. Varfolomeev, R.N. Nagrimanov, V.B. Novikov, D.H. Zaitsau, S.P. Verevkin // Thermochimica Acta. – 2014. – V. 589. – P. 164-173.
Varfolomeev, M.A. Examination of hydrogen-bonding interactions between dissolved solutes and alkylbenzene solvents based on Abraham model correlations derived from measured enthalpies of solvation [Text] / M.A. Varfolomeev, I.T. Rakipov, W.E. Acree, Jr., M. Brumfield, M.H. Abraham // Thermochimica Acta. – 2014. – V. 594. – P. 68-79.
Sedov, I.A. Calorimetric study of solvation of low polar solutes in propylene glycol and methyl cellosolve at 298 K [Text] / I.A. Sedov, M.A. Stolov, B.N. Solomonov // Thermochim. Acta. – 2014. – V.589. – P.247-251.
Mukhambetov, I.N. Electron paramagnetic resonance and electron nuclear double resonance study of the paramagnetic complexes of anthraquinone on the surface of γ-Al2O3 [Text] / I.N. Mukhambetov, A.A. Lamberov, B.V. Yavkin, M.R. Gafurov, G.V. Mamin, S.B. Orlinskii / J. Phys. Chem. C. – 2014. – V.118, I.27. – P.14998-15003.
Sedov, I.A. Thermodynamics of solvation in propylene glycol and methyl cellosolve [Text] / I.A. Sedov, M.A. Stolov, B.N. Solomonov // J. Chem. Thermodyn. – 2014. – V.78. – P.32-36.Sedov, I.A. Tert-Butyl chloride as a probe of the solvophobic effects I [Text] / A.I. Sedov, M.A. Stolov, B.N. Solomonov // Fluid Phase Equilibria. – 2014. – V.382. – P.164-168.
Gorbatchuk, V. Anti-sieve effect in guest inclusion by thiacalix[4]arene giving a surge in thermal stability of its clathrates prepared by solid-phase guest exchange [Text] / V. Gorbatchuk, Sh. Galyaltdinov, M. Ziganshin, A. Gubaidullin, O. Kalchenko, S. Vyshnevsky // CrystEngComm. – 2014. – V.16(18). – P.3781-3787.
Gatiatulin, A.K. Selective preparation of beta-cyclodextrin clathrates by solid-phase exchange of included tetrahydrofurane for volatile guests in absence of water [Text] / A.K. Gatiatulin, M.A. Ziganshin, V.V. Gorbatchuk // J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. – 2014. – V.118, Issue 2. – P.987-992.
Зиганшин, М.А. Молекулярное распознавание органических соединений по данным о полиморфных и псевдополиморфных превращениях производного трет-бутилтиакаликс[4]арена [Текст] / М.А. Зиганшин, В.В. Горбачук, Р.Р. Ситдиков, И.И. Стойков, И.С. Антипин // Изв. Акад. Наук. Сер. Хим. – 2014. – №1.– С.201-206.
Gerasimov, A.V. Low molecular weight polyethylene glycols as matrix to obtain solid dispersions of sulfanilamide [Text] / A.V. Gerasimov, M.A. Ziganshin, V.V. Gorbatchuk, L.S. Usmanova // International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. – 2014. – V.6, N.6. – P.372-377.
Gerasimov, A.V. Increasing the solubility of dipyridamole using polyethylene glycols [Text] / A.V. Gerasimov, M.A. Ziganshin, V.V. Gorbatchuk, L.S. Usmanova // International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. – 2014. – V.6,N.9. – P.244-247.
Vereshchagina, Y.A. Dipole moments and conformational analysis of tris(2-pyridil)phosphine and tris(2-pyridyl)phosphine chalkogenides. Experimental and theoretical study [Text] / Y.A. Vereshchagina, D.V. Chachkov, A.Z. Alimova, S.F. Malysheva, N.K. Gusarova, E.A. Ishmaeva, B.A. Trofimov // J. Mol. Struc. – 2014. – V.1076. – P.285-290.
Верещагина, Я.А. Квантовохимическое исследование взаимодействия 2-метил-4-оксо-5,6-бензо-1,3,2-диоксафосфоринана с гексафторацетонимином [Текст] / Я.А. Верещагина, В.Ф. Миронов, М.Н. Димухаметов, П.П. Онысько, Ю.В. Рассуканая, Д.В. Чачков // Журнал общей химии. – 2014. – Т.84. – С.877-878.
Верещагина, Я.А. Конформационный анализ 2-аминофенил-2-аминобензил- и 2-нитробензилдифенилфосфиноксидов [Текст] / Я.А.Верещагина, А.З. Алимова, Д.В. Чачков, Э.А. Ишмаева, О.И. Артюшин, Е.В. Шарова, А.Е. Климовицкий, Р.Р. Ханафиева // Журн. орг. химии. – 2014. – Т.50. – Вып.6. – С.814-817.
Верещагина, Я.А. Полярность и строение 1,3,5,11-тетраокса-8-аза-4-гермаспиро[3,7]ундекан-2-она [Текст] / Я.А.Верещагина, А.З. Алимова, Д.В. Чачков, Э.А. Ишмаева, Т.А. Кочина, М.Г. Воронков // Журн. орг. химии. – 2014. – Т.50. – Вып.8. – С.1239-1240.
Верещагина, Я.А. Изучение строения 1-нитро-3,3,3-трифтор- и 1-нитро-3,3,3-трибромпропенов методами дипольных моментов и квантовой химии [Текст] / Я.А. Верещагина, А.З. Алимова, Д.В. Чачков, Э.А. Ишмаева, Е.К. Слободчикова, В.М. Берестовицкая // Журн. орг. химии. – 2014. – Т.50. – Вып.11. – С.1578-1580.
Mukhambetov, I.N. Deactivation of Industrial Alumina Catalyst for the Skeletal Isomerization of n-Butenes [Text] / A.A. Lamberov, I.N. Mukhambetov, R.F. Zalyaliev // Catalysis in Industry. – 2014. – V.6,№2. – Р.128–133.
Mukhambetov, I.N. Effect of Hydrothermal Treatment on the Structure and Acid Properties of the Surface of Molded Gamma–Aluminum Oxide [Text] / Mukhambetov I.N., Lamberov A.A. // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. – 2014. – V.87,N.6. – P.676-683.
Egorova, S.R. Effect of the Phase Composition of Gibbsite on the Specific Surface Area of Coarse Floccule of Products Formed in Its Dehydration under Thermal Treatment [Text] / S.R. Egorova, A.A. Lamberov // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. – 2014. – V.87,№ 8. – Р.1021−1030.
Bekmukhamedov, G.E. Effect of the nature of silicon oxide structures on the activity of an alumina-chromium catalyst in the reaction of iso-butane dehydrogenation [Text] / G.E. Bekmukhamedov, S.R. Egorova, A.A. Lamberov // Catalysis in Industry. – 2014. – V.6, P.44-52.
Загуменнов, В.А. Анодное окисление 1,3-ди(пара-толил)- 5- паратолуидинометил-1,3,5-диазафосфоринана на алюминии [Текст] / Загуменнов В.А., Карасик А.А. // Электрохимия. – 2014. – Т.50,№11. – С.1225-1227.
Kiselev, V.D. Changes in Permittivity and Density of Molecular Liquids under High Pressure [Text] / V.D. Kiselev, D.A. Kornilov, A.I. Konovalov // J. Phys. Chem. B. – 2014. – V.118. – P.3702-3709.
Kiselev, V.D. 4-Phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione in the ene reactions with cyclohexene, 1-hexene and 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene. The heat of reaction and the influence of temperature and pressure on the reaction rate[Text] / V.D. Kiselev, D.A. Kornilov, H.A. Kashaeva, L.N. Potapova, A.I. Konovalov // J. Phys. Org. Chem. – 2014. – V.27. – P.401-406.
Kiselev, V.D. Ene reaction between 4-phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione and hex-1-ene. The enthalpies, entropies, and volumes of activation and reaction in solution [Text] / V.D. Kiselev, H.A. Kashaeva, L.N. Potapova, D.A. Kornilov, A.I. Konovalov // Russian Chemical Bulletin. – 2014. – V.63. – P.280-283.
Kiselev, V.D. Effect of pressure on the rate of the Diels-Alder reaction of diethyl azodicarboxylate with 9,10-dimethylanthracene [Text] / V.D. Kiselev, D.A. Kornilov, E.A. Kashaeva, L.N. Potapova, A.I. Konovalov // Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry. – 2014. – V.50. – P.489-493.
Kiselev, V.D. Enthalpy and entropy and the heat effect of the ene reaction between 4-phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione and 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene in solution [Text] / V.D. Kiselev, D.A. Kornilov, L.N. Potapova, H.A. Kashaeva, A.I. Konovalov // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. – 2014. – V.88. – P.890-892.
Kiselev, V.D. Features of the Diels-Alder Reaction between 9,10-Diphenylanthracene and 4-Phenyl-1,2,4-triazoline-3,5-dione [Text] / V.D. Kiselev, D.A. Kornilov, E.A. Kashaeva, L.N. Potapova, D.B. Krivolapov, I.A. Litvinov, A.I. Konovalov // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. – 2014. – V.88. – P.2073-2080.
Киселев, В.Д. Кинетические и равновесные параметры реакции [4+2]-циклоприсоединения 2,6-диметилнафталина с 4-фенил-1,2,4-триазолин-3,5-дионом [Текст] / В.Д. Киселев, Е.А. Кашаева, Л.Н. Потапова, Д.А. Корнилов, А.И. Коновалов // Известия Академии наук. Серия химическая. – 2014. – №3. – С.770-771.
Зиганшин, М.А. Влияние подложки и влажности воздуха на морфологию пленок дипептида L-лейцил-L-лейцин [Текст] / М.А. Зиганшин, А.А. Бикмухаметова, А.В. Герасимов, В.В. Горбачук, С.А. Зиганшина, А.А. Бухараев // Физикохимия поверхности и защита материалов. – 2014. – T.50,№1 – C.53-58.
Sedov, I.A. Tert-Butyl chloride as a probe of the solvophobic effects I [Text] / A.I. Sedov, M.A. Stolov, B.N. Solomonov // Fluid Phase Equilibria. – 2014. – V.382. – P.164-168.
Sirotkin, V.A. A study of the hydration of ribonuclease A using isothermal calorimetry. [Text] / V.A. Sirotkin, A.V. Khadiullina // Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. – 2014. – V.118. – P.951-959.
Sirotkin, V.A. A study of the hydration of ribonuclease A using densitometry: Effect of the protein hydrophobicity and polarity. [Text] / V.A. Sirotkin, A.V. Khadiullina // Chemical Physics Letters. – 2014. – V.603. – P.13-17.
Yakhvarov, D.G. Electrochemical synthesis and properties of organonickel σ-complexes [Text] / D.G. Yakhvarov, A.F. Khusnuriyalova, O.G. Sinyashin // Organometallics. – 2014. – V.33. – P.4574-4589.
Яхваров, Д.Г. Электрохимическое генерирование дианиона [Р4]2– из белого фосфора [Текст] / Д.Г. Яхваров, Е.В. Горбачук, Х.Р. Хаяров, В.И. Морозов, И.Х. Ризванов, О.Г. Синяшин // Известия академии наук. Серия химическая. – 2014. – Т.11. – С.2423-2427.
Gorbachuk, E.V. Effect of a sacrificial anode material on the electrochemical generation of phosphane oxide (H3PO) [Text] / E.V. Gorbachuk, Kh.R. Khayarov, O.G. Sinyashin, D.G. Yakhvarov // Mendeleev Commun. – 2014. – V.24. – P.334-335.
Yakhvarov, D.G. Synthesis, structure and electrochemical properties of the organonickel complex [NiBr(Mes)(phen)] (Mes = 2,4,6-trimethylphenyl, phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) [Text] / D.G. Yakhvarov, A. Petr, V. Kataev, B. Büchner, S. Gómez-Ruiz, E. Hey-Hawkins, S.V. Kvashennikova, Yu.S. Ganushevich, V.I. Morozov, O.G. Sinyashin // Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. – 2014. – V.750. – P.59-64.
Aluri, B.R. σ2P,O-Hybrid ligands: synthesis of the first 4-hydroxy-1,3-benzazaphospholes by ortho-lithiation of m-amidophenyl diethyl phosphates [Text] / B.R. Aluri, K. Shah, N. Gupta, O.S. Fomina, D.G. Yakhvarov, M. Ghalib, P.G. Jones, C. Schulzke, J.W. Heinicke // European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. – 2014. – P.5958-5968.
Ghalib, M. Benzazaphospholine-2-carboxylic acids: Synthesis, structure and properties of heterocyclic phosphanyl amino acids [Text] / M. Ghalib, J. Lach, O.S. Fomina, D.G. Yakhvarov, P.G. Jones, J. Heinicke // Polyhedron. – 2014. – V.77. – P.10-16.
Kalchenko, O.I. Investigation of Sorption of Calix[4]arene And Calix[4]resorcinarene Tetraalkyl Derivatives with the Lichrosorb Rp 18 Surface by Rp HPLC and Molecular Modelling Methods [Text] / O.I. Kalchenko, S.O. Cherenok, L.I. Savonik, A.V. Solovyov, V.V. Gorbachuk, V.I. Kalchenko //Journal of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. – 2014. – V.12, Issue.3. – P.17-22.
Mukhametshina, A.R. The energy transfer based fluorescent approach to detect the formation of silica supported phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine containing bilayers [Text] / A.R. Mukhametshina, A.R. Mustafina, N.A. Davydov, I.R. Nizameev, M.K. Kadirov, V.V. Gorbatchuk, A.I. Konovalov // Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. – 2014. – V.115. – P.93-99.
Хусаинова, Н.Г. Реакции винилфосфоната с октил- и додециламинами [Текст] / Н.Г. Хусаинова, Д.Б. Криволапов, А.В. Герасимов // Журн. орг. хим. – 2014. – Т.50, Вып.4. – С.492-494.
Amirova, L.M. Rheological properties of epoxy oligomers and their mixtures in a wide temperature range [Text] / L.M. Amirova, K.A. Andrianova, M.M. Ganiev, M.A. Ziganshin, L.R. Amirova // Russian Chemical Bulletin. – 2014. – V.63. – P.247-251.
Strel’nik, A.D. Structural and spectral characterization of novel non-centrosymmetric 2,4-dintrobenzene derivative [Text] / A.D. Strel’nik, M.R. Garipov, A.S. Petukhov, N.V. Shtyrlin, О.А. Lodochnikova, I.A. Litvinov, A.K. Naumov, O.A. Morozov, A.E. Klimovitskii, Yu.G. Shtyrlin // Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. – 2014. – V.117. – P.793-797.
Startseva, V.A. Study of "racemic compound-like" behavior of diastereomeric mixture of pinanyl sulfoxides by x-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, and DFT calculations [Text] / V.A. Startseva, L.E. Nikitina, O.A. Lodochnikova, A.E. Klimovitskii, A.V. Aref'ev, N.P. Artemova, A.V. Bodrov, R.Z. Musin, E.N.Klimovitskii // Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements – 2014. – V.189,N 5. – P.615-629.
Lodochnikova, O.A. When two symmetrically independent molecules must be different: "crystallization-induced diastereomerization" of chiral pinanyl sulfone [Text] / O.A. Lodochnikova, V.A. Startseva, L.E Nikitina, A.V. Bodrov, A.E. Klimovitskii, E.N. Klimovitskii, I.A. Litvinov // CrystEngComm. – 2014. – V.16,N20. – P.4314-4321.
Ишмаева, Э.А. Механизм реакции 1-триметилсилил-2-триметилсилокси-3,3-диметил-1-фосфабут-1-ена с бис(фенилендиокса)хлорфосфораном / Э.А. Ишмаева, Д.В. Чачков, А.З. Алимова, Я.А. Верещагина // Журн. орг. химии. – 2014. – Т. 50. – Вып. 4. – С. 619-621.
Verevkin, S.P. Enthalpies of vaporization of a series of the fluoro- and chloro-substituted benzenes [Text] / S.P. Verevkin, V.N. Emel’yanenko, M.A. Varfolomeev, B.N. Solomonov, K.V. Zherikova // Fluid Phase Equilibria. – 2014. – V. 380. – P. 67-75.
Emel'yanenko, V.N. Thermodynamic functions of lactams in the ideal gas state [Text] / V.N. Emel'yanenko, V.V. Turovtsev, Yu.D.Orlov // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. – 2014. – V. 88, N 9. – P. 1472-1477.
Verevkin, S.P. Thermochemistry of dihalogen-substituted benzenes: data evaluation using experimental and quantum chemical methods [Text] / S.P. Verevkin, S.V. Melkhanova, V.N. Emel’yanenko, D.H. Zaitsau, M.A. Varfolomeev, B.N. Solomonov, K.V. Zherikova // J. Phys. Chem. B. – 2014. – DOI: 10.1021/jp5097844. (выйдет в декабрьском номере).
Varfolomeev, M.A. Speed of sound, density and related thermodynamic excess properties of binary mixtures of butan-2-one with C1-C4 n-alkanols and chloroform [Text] / M.A. Varfolomeev, K.V. Zaitseva, I.T. Rakipov, B.N. Solomonov, W. Marczak // Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. – 2014. – DOI: 10.1021/je5007604. (выйдет в декабрьском номере).
Rakipov, I.T. Thermochemistry of dissolution, solvation, and hydrogen bonding of anilines in proton-acceptor organic solvents at 298.15 K [Text] / I.T. Rakipov, M.A. Varfolomeev, A.Yu. Kirgizov, B.N. Solomonov // Russian Journal of General Chemistry. – 2014. – V. 84, N 9. – P. 1676-1682.
Rakipov, I.T. Thermodynamics of the hydrogen bonding of nitrogen-containing cyclic and aromatic compounds with proton donors: The structure-property relationship [Text] / I.T. Rakipov, M.A. Varfolomeev, A.Yu. Kirgizov, B.N. Solomonov // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A. – 2014. – V. 88, N 12. – P. 2023-2028.
Varfolomeev, M.A. Development of an Effective Scale Inhibitor Based on Organophosphonic Compounds in an Aqueous–Alcoholic Solvent [Text] / M.A. Varfolomeev, A.V. Gerasimov, I.T. Rakipov, D.K. Nurgaliev, A.V. Luzhetskii, I.I. Gabidullin // Chemistry and Technologies of Fuels and Oil. – 2014. – N 6. – P. 84-86.
Galukhin, A.V. Effect of Catalytic Aquathermolysis on High Molecular Weight Components of Heavy Oil in the Ashal'cha Field [Text] / A.V. Galukhin, A.A. Erokhin, D.K. Nurgaliev // Chemistry and Technologies of Fuels and Oil. – 2014. – N 6. – P. 67-69