• Портал КФУ \ Academic Units \ Natural Sciences \ Alexander Butlerov Institute of Chemistry \ Research \ Conferences and Seminars \ First Kazan Summer School on Chemoinformatics
First Kazan Summer School on Chemoinformatics

First Kazan Summer School on Chemoinformatics was closed.


We would like to thank all our lecturers for brilliant lectures, oral and key-note speakers for excellent reports, poster presenters for perfect presentations.

Of course, we would like to congratulate the winners of poster presentation competition: Olena Mokshina (Odessa, Ukraine) and Andrey Tereschenkov (Moscow, Russia).


Presentation of lectures you can find at the page Lecturers.

Book of Abstracts is available for download here.


The compilation of material about us is here:

В КФУ открылась I летняя школа-конференция по хемоинформатике (some photo is available)

За какой наукой будущее? Первая летняя школа по хемоинформатике (video)

First Kazan Summer School on Chemoinformatics\Conferences and Seminars - Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет