Pediatrics_General Medicine
Pediatrics, General Medicine, 4th year
Thematic plan
Topic 1. History of Russian Pediatrics. Organization of pediatric service. Childhood periods
Topic 2. Anatomical and physiological features of childhood. Physical and psychomotor development of children. Anomalies of the constitution (diathesis)
Topic 3. The modern concept of feeding young children
Topic 4. Diseases of young children: chronic eating disorders (PEM) in children. Anemia in children. Iron-deficiency anemia. Rickets and rickets-like diseases in children.
Topic 5. Acute and chronic respiratory diseases in children
Topic 6. Emergency conditions in young children. Allergic diseases of children. Atopic dermatitis. Respiratory allergies in children.
Topic 7. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: congenital heart defects, carditis.
Topic 8. Systemic connective tissue diseases: juvenile chronic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile dermatomyositis, scleroderma.
Topic 9. Kidney diseases in children (glomerulopathies and urinary tract infections)
Topic 10. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children
Topic 11. Diseases of the hematopoietic organs. Hemorrhagic diathesis. Hemoblastoses
Topic 12. Features of the immune system in different periods of childhood. Immunodeficiencies. Frequently ill children. Acute respiratory viral infections. Vaccination
Topic 13. Polyclinic. Principles of work and structure of the children's polyclinic.
BRS calculation
(Semester 7)
At each practical class, the student's work is evaluated on a 50-point scale. At the end of the semester, the arithmetic mean of grades in all classes is calculated, that is, if students answer 50 points in each class, the student receives 50 points in the total.
Credit - 50 points
(8 semester)
At each practical class, the student's work is evaluated on a 50-point scale. At the end of the semester, the arithmetic mean of grades in all classes is calculated, that is, if student’s answer 50 points in each class, the student receives 50 points in the total.
Exam - 50 points
Questions for zachot:
1. Evaluation of the physical development of children. The Rules of increasing the weight of a child in different periods of childhood
2. Assessment of the physical development of the child. Rules of growth in different periods of childhood.
3. Work with centile charts.
4. Rules of increasing the circumference of the head and chest.
5. Periods of childhood. Augmentation and rounding periods.
6. Periods of ontogeny. Prenatal period
7. Period of ontogeny. Postnatal period.
8. Characteristics of preschool children.
9. Characteristics of the preschool period.
10. Characteristics of the school period.
11. Methods for assessing the neuropsychic development of children in the first year of life.
12. Methods for assessing neuro-psychic development in children 2-3 years old (toddlers)
13. Evaluation of neuro-psychic development in preschool children.
14. Evaluation of neuro-psychic development in children of the school period.
15. Make a menu for a child of 4 months. Is on artificial feeding. Birth weight 3100 gr.
16. Make a menu for a child of 2 months Birth weight 2980 gr. The current weight of the child is 5600 gr. Is breastfeeding
17. Make a menu for 9 months. Weight is 8900 gr, at birth is 3145 gr. Is breastfeeding.
18. Make a menu for a child of 7 months. With control feeding, she sucks out 90 grams of milk. Actual weight is 6000 gr. At birth 2578 gr.
19. Calculation of the need for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories for a child of 5 months. Birth weight is 3600 gr.
20. Make a menu for a child of 4 months. Artificial feeding. Birth weight 2900 gr. Actual weight is 7450 gr.
21. Hypogalactia. Methods of correction and prevention.
22. Contraindications to breastfeeding.
23. Calculation of nutrition in the neonatal period.
24. "Children's dowry" that should be prepared for a newborn child.
25. First and second prenatal care for a pregnant woman. Purpose of the visit.
26. Children's place in the neonatal period.
27. Prevention of allergies in children.
28. Nutrition for young children
29. Nutrition for preschool children
30. Nutrition of school-age children.
31. Prevention of myopia
32. Prevention of flat feet
33. The composition of women's milk.
34. The advantage of breastfeeding.
35. Principles of maintaining breastfeeding.
36. Diet therapy for kidney diseases.
37. Diet therapy for diseases of the gastroduodenal zone
38. Diet therapy for diseases of the hepatobiliary zone.
39. Diet therapy for pyelonephritis.
40. Diet therapy for glomerulonephritis.
41. Diet therapy for cardiovascular pathology.
42. Features of red blood in children in the neonatal period.
43. Features of red blood during the first year of life.
44. Leukocyte formula in children. First and second cross.
45. Features of ESR, platelets in children.
46. Erythrocyte indices - МCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, CP, PDW.
47. Arterial pressure in children. Formulas for determining the age norm
48. Frequency of respiration and pulse in different periods of childhood. Respiratory - pulse rate.
49. Features of the frequency of urination in children. Specific gravity in children. Zimnitsky test.
50. Coprogram. Characteristic.
1. Stages of development of pediatrics in Russia. The role of Ya.I. Bystrova, N.A. Tolsky, P.P. Gundobina, S.F. Khotovitsky, A.A. Kiselya, N.F. Filatov in the development of domestic pediatrics.
2. The role of G.N. Speransky, M.S. Maslova, Yu.F. Dombrovskaya, A.F. Tura, V.I. Molchanov in the development of pediatrics in the country.
3. The structure of the children's polyclinic and the basic principles of the work of the district doctor. Clinical examination of the children's population. Criteria for determining the child's health group.
4. Principles of clinical examination of healthy and sick children in the pediatric area. Organization of services for children of the first year of life in the clinic.
5. Periods of childhood. Risk factors for impaired development and health status of children in the antenatal and postnatal periods. The influence of maternal health, the course of pregnancy and childbirth on the development of the fetus and the health of the child.
6. Features of the physiology and pathology of children in infancy. Prenatal patronage, patronage of newborns and children of the first year of life.
7. The concept of natural feeding of the child. WHO Declaration on Breastfeeding Principles. Benefits of breastfeeding.
8. Composition of human milk and colostrum. Basic principles of feeding full-term newborns. Prevention and treatment of hypogalactia.
9. Artificial feeding of an infant. Basic principles of its implementation.
10. Classification of mixtures for feeding children of the 1st year of life, indications for their use in the nutrition of a child of the first year of life.
11. Algorithm for the introduction of food additives and complementary foods during breastfeeding. Complementary foods and rules for their introduction. Drawing up a diet for a child in the first year of life.
12. Mixed feeding of an infant, indications for it and rules for conducting.
13. Clinical examination of healthy children in the clinic. Patronage of newborns. Dispensary observation in the first year of life.
14. Clinical examination of children in the second and third year of life. Preparing children for kindergarten.
15. Preliminary and periodic medical examinations of children. Dispensary observation of children.
16. Intrauterine infection of the fetus. Diagnosis, prevention, consequences.
17. The impact of maternal health, the course of pregnancy and childbirth on the development of the fetus and on the health of the child.
18. Psychomotor development of a child in the first year of life. Semiotics of lesions of the nervous system in children. Convulsive syndrome in children of different ages.
19. Dynamics of weight and growth of a child in infancy. Methods for assessing physical development (by formulas, centile tables).
20. Hypotrophy (protein-energy deficiency). Etiology, clinical symptoms, classification, principles of treatment, prevention, clinical examination of children.
21. Chronic eating disorders in children. Definition of hypo- and paratrophy.
22. Nutrition of a child older than a year and schoolchildren. The daily routine of schoolchildren.
23. Features of collecting anamnesis in pediatric practice. The role of anamnesis in making a diagnosis, in identifying "risk factors" in children. The structure of the anamnesis of life and disease.
24. The concept of anomalies of the constitution in children, classification, significance in the pathology of childhood, principles of treatment
25. Exudative catarrhal diathesis, definition, clinical manifestations, principles of treatment.
26. Nervous-arthritic diathesis, clinical manifestations, clinical examination, treatment.
27. The concept of lymphatic-hypoplastic diathesis and its significance in pediatrics as a "risk factor", clinical examination, treatment.
28. National vaccination calendar. Vaccination schedule.
29. National vaccination calendar. Contraindications for vaccination.
30. National vaccination calendar. Post-vaccination reactions and complications
31. Vaccination of children according to epid. testimony. Vaccination against polio, hepatitis A, meningitis.
32. Rickets. Etiology, pathogenesis, significance in pediatrics as a "risk factor", classification, clinic, diagnosis, clinical examination, treatment and prevention of rickets.
33. Hemolytic disease of the newborn. The meaning of the problem. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinic, diagnostic criteria, conservative and surgical treatment, clinical examination, prevention.
34. Purulent-septic diseases in newborns and children in the first months of life. Prevention in the maternity hospital. Principles of treatment.
35. Algorithm for examining a healthy and sick child. Criteria for assessing the state of health and health groups in pediatrics.
36. Features of physiology and pathology of the neonatal period. The significance of this period in the structure of morbidity and mortality in children of the first year of life.
37. Age dynamics of physical development in children (weight, height, head circumference, chest). Dimensions of a full-term newborn. Physiological weight loss and its causes.
38. Morphofunctional features of premature babies. Reasons for miscarriage. Principles of nursing and feeding premature babies
39. Borderline (transitional) conditions in newborns, their features in premature babies.
40. Anatomical and physiological features of the nervous system and sensory organs in young children. Neuropsychic development of a child in the first year of life. Criteria for evaluation.
41. Anatomical and physiological features of the urinary system in children. Syndromes of damage to the organs of the urinary system. Semiotics of edema in children. Syndrome of renal insufficiency.
42. Anatomical and physiological features of the skin. Semiotics of skin color changes in children. Semiotics of rash in children. Anatomical and physiological features of subcutaneous fat. Semiotics of major changes.
43. Age dynamics of the lymphatic system in children. Changes in the lymph nodes in various diseases.
44. Anatomical and physiological features and development of the child's skeletal system. Timing of teething and closure of fontanelles and sutures. The reason for the violation of the proper development of the skeletal system in children.
45. Anatomical and physiological features of the cardiovascular system in children: age-related dynamics of pulse rate, blood pressure, limits of relative cardiac dullness. Semiotics and syndromatics of the pathology of the cardiovascular system.
46. Anatomical and physiological features of the gastrointestinal tract in children. Enzymatic function of the gastrointestinal tract in children. The value of examination of the oral cavity and pharynx in the diagnosis of diseases in children.
47. Semiotics of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children. Semiotics of abdominal pain.
48. Anatomical and physiological features of the respiratory organs in young children. Semiotics of respiratory diseases in children.
49. Biliary dysfunction in children. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment.
50. Functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children. Clinic, classification, treatment.
51. Criteria for diagnosing cholecystocholangitis in children. Etiology, principles of treatment.
52. Principles of diagnosis and treatment of chronic gastroduodenitis in children.
53. Acute and chronic gastritis in children. Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria, clinic, classification, treatment.
54. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Principles of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of peptic ulcer in children. Prevention of exacerbations of peptic ulcer.
55. Worm infestations in children: enterobiasis, ascariasis, diphyllobothriasis, opisthorchiasis, trichocephalosis, toxocariasis. Epidemiology, clinic, diagnostics, treatment.
56. Features of red blood in children in different age periods. Age dynamics of the peripheral blood leukocyte formula in children, the concept of the first and second decussation.
57. Anemia in children. Classification, differential diagnosis of anemia in children.
58. Iron deficiency anemia in children. Clinical and laboratory diagnostics, treatment of iron deficiency anemia in young children, prevention, clinical examination of patients.
59. Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinic, treatment, clinical examination.
60. Hemophilia in children. Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria, ways to stop bleeding, clinical examination of patients.
61. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria, treatment, clinical examination.
62. Juvenile arthritis. Clinic, classification, diagnostics, principles of therapy, clinical examination.
63. Systemic lupus erythematosus in children, Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria, principles of treatment.
64. Acute rheumatic fever. Etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology, working classification, clinic, criteria for diagnosing rheumatism in children. Principles of treatment.
65. Clinical examination, primary and secondary prevention of rheumatism in children.
66. Cardiovascular insufficiency syndrome. Clinic and emergency care for pulmonary edema in children.
67. Pyelonephritis in children. Classification, diagnostic criteria, principles of treatment and clinical examination.
68. Acute glomerulonephritis. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, clinic, treatment, clinical examination.
69. Chronic glomerulonephritis. Clinic, diagnostic criteria, treatment and clinical examination of children.
70. Semiotics of cough. Semiotics of shortness of breath in children. Syndrome of respiratory failure and croup.
71. Bronchitis in children. Classification, diagnostic criteria, therapy. Clinic, emergency care for obstructive bronchitis.
72. Acute pneumonia in young children. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, clinical examination.
73. Complications of acute pneumonia in children. Clinic, diagnostics, principles of therapy.
74. Clinic and emergency treatment of acute respiratory failure in bronchiolitis in children.
75. Bronchial asthma. Etiology, pathogenesis, classification, modern principles of treatment and clinical examination.
76. Chronic nonspecific diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. Principles of treatment and medical examination of children.
77. Atopic dermatitis. Clinic, diagnostics. Principles of therapy.
78. Clinic and emergency care for an attack of bronchial asthma in children.
79. Clinic and emergency care for anaphylactic shock in children.
80. Emergency care for acute cardiac arrest (clinical death) in children.
81. Clinic and emergency care for acute vascular insufficiency in children (fainting, collapse).
82. Clinic and emergency care for hyperthermia and convulsive syndrome in children.
83. Critical periods in the development of the immune system. Features of the function of the immune system
84. Asphyxia of newborns. Clinic and emergency care for asphyxia of newborns.
85. Acute allergic reactions. Type of reactions, clinical manifestations, emergency care.
86. Congenital heart defects. Types of hemodynamic disorders depending on the type of defect. The concept of critical heart disease. Principles of therapy.