Габдулхаков Валерьян Фаритович. Направления научной работы. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Габдулхаков Валерьян Фаритович
Область науки
Круг научных интересов 
The article deals with the problem of revealingqualities defining personal readiness of Russian teachers to work with childrenwhile playing. This problem is topical for Russia and poorly studied. A traditionalstereotype of a teacher in Russia was connected with strictness andexactingness. Child abuse (in the form of punishment, even physical)unofficially was considered to be a norm of family education. Isolated instancesof child abuse in families and day-care centres are observed even now. Pedagogical cooperation accepted in the nineties of the XX century frequently scared the educators because of the violation of pedagogical ethics, tact, its familiarity and absence of professionalism. New standard of pre-school education (2013) offers to reston a game as a leading activity type of a child. It actualized such qualities ofteachers as self-consciousness, empathy, co-creation etc. Therefore cognitive development of children started taking backseat. In Russia school standards, programs are not as free as in day-care centres. That is why for now schools do not make advances towards day-care centres, they state their own requirements to pre-school education (including to the level of cognitive development ofchildren) and day-care centres have to adapt to them. One of forms of such adaptation is a didactic game. The research suggests that in day-care centres the game is conducted under strict control of a teacher. Consequently, it loses its freedom and does not provide self-actualization neither to a teacher, nor to a child. Moreover, a game is differently perceived by representatives of different religions. For example, in Volga region (Kazan) Russians, Tatars, the Chuvashes, the Mari reside. Religiosity and national identity of these nations keep growing. Some of them acknowledge the game, the others - not particularly. Acquired results actualize the necessity of perfectionof the didactic game structure, as well as the necessity of a specializedtraining of teachers for its organization and conduction. These results demonstrate insufficient preparation of Russian teachers for using the didactic game in the educational process, absence of continuity between pre-school and elementary education both on the level of ideology and on the level of educational process organization practice. Gabdulhakov, Valerian F., 2014 - Methodology of multicultural education: Monograph: Academic essays / Valerian F. Gabdulhakov. Inchudes bibliographical references and index. Series 'Preschool education'. 2014 The University of Oxford. Printed the publication of the UK Valerian F. Gabdulchakov (2017). Educating Teacher for a Multicultural School Enviroment. Intercultural Communication: Strategies, Challenges and Research. Monograph. Chapter 1. Nova Science Publishers. Hauppauge, NY, United States, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-53611-823-0 Более подробную информацию о книге можно найти  Nova Science Publishers.
Педагогический стаж (ППС) в ВУЗе:
 39 лет 9 месяцев   с 16.08.1978
Научно-педагогический стаж:
 41 год 5 месяцев   с 16.08.1978
Общий стаж:
 42 года 10 месяцев   с 16.08.1978
Непрерывный в КФУ:
 16 лет 10 месяцев   с 02.09.2007