M.V.Bulatov. A method of perturbation for the differential-algebraic systems
A.F.Vasil'yev and T.I.Vasil'yeva. On finite groups whose principal factors are simple groups
A.A.V'yalitsin. Investigation of systems of linear Diophante inequalities by the group theory methods
Yu.B.Yermolayev. Universal Cartan extension
T.M.Ledenyova. Certain aspects of representation of fuzzy operators in the form of a ratio of two polynomials
P.E.Markov. General analytic and infinitesimal deformations of immersions. II
A.G.Pinus. On the $\aleph$-identity of epimorphy and embeddability relations on quasivarieties
S.M.Sedova. On a criterion for the stability of a scalar equation with constant delay and periodical coefficient
I.G.Teregulov. Thermodynamical potentials and mathematical simulation of the process of flow of viscous media