2016, The article describes the modern educational concepts of training specialists in physical culture and sports. It is shown that the system of physical training of professional skills and competency levels, which should take into account the personal factor. The importance of using deyatelnostnogo approach to training, based on the software and the target common system of teacher training in the field of physical culture and sports.
2017, В статье рассмотрена актуальная в современных условиях тематика: специфика фитнес - технологий как средства повышения интереса и эффективности занятий физической культурой/ Отмечена важность правильного выбора упражнений и их реализации по круговому методу. Обоснован тезис о необходимости постоянного самоконтроля, ориентация не объективные его показатели.
2018, The article is devoted to analytical review of crime prevention tools among
minors by means of physical culture and sports. It is noted that, as a minor at risk -
a subject that needs to be accepting and recognizing him as a person, it is important
that employment in the organization of physical culture and sports have been fully
taken into account individually-personal features of a particular pupil. Personalitybased, in approach to the organization of sports activities and sports activities
provides for a comfortable and safe environment for the development of student's
personality, the realization of his natural needs and abilities. In addition, the article
proves the importance of systematic self-control mechanism.
2017, Есенов Т.Т, Закирова О.В., Погорелова К.Е., Чернова С.А Особенности композиционной организации произведения Пелевина «Колдун Игнат и люди» / Т.Т.Есенов, О.В. Закирова, К.Е.Погорелова, С.А.Чернова // «SCI-ARTICLE.RU». - 2017. - №52. - С.182- 185