2018, Герасимова А.П. Об опыте билингвального обучения в начальной школе на
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2020, Gerasimova A., Aristova N., Salekhova L.,Grigorieva K. Developing cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP) via bilingual education: international baccalaureate experience in Kazan, Russia / A. Gerasimova, N. Aristova, L.Salekhova, K. Grigorieva // 13th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference. - Valencia, 11th- 13th of March. - 2019. - PP. 2952- 2959.
2020, Salekhova L., Grigorieva K., Aristova N., Gerasimova A. Assessing multiligual
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