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Educational process



The fundamental and traditional form of classes for universities are lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes. At the department, the academic load annually averages 18,000 hours. Teachers of the department conduct open classes, which are attended by many specialists with further detailed pedagogical analysis and discussion of the course of classes.

At the  Department of health and safety and physical training, students of IFMiB, EI and IEaNM of KFU of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd are trained in bachelor's degree courses: 44.03.05 "Pedagogical education (with two training profiles)", 06.01.01 "Biology", 30.03.01 Medical biochemistry", 30.05.02 Medical biophysics, 30.05.03 Medical Cybernetics, 31.05.01 "Medical business", 31.05.03 "Dentistry", 33.05.01 "Pharmacy", 05.03.04 "Hydrometeorology", 21.03.02 "Land management and cadastre", 06.03.02 "Soil science", 05.03.06 "Ecology and nature management", 16.03.01 "Technical physics", 27.03.02 "Cadastre management".

The department of HaSaPT is not a graduate department in all of the above areas.

A lot of work is being done at the department to prepare lecture material in electronic form for conducting classes using multimedia equipment. For the successful development of educational material and the need to activate students' learning activities in practical classes, discipline issues are discussed, which are distributed in advance for the students of the group. Such an organization of the lesson is achieved by the active participation of all students.

The teaching staff of the department of HaSaPT systematically takes advanced training courses and retraining of specialists.

When organizing the educational process, the main attention is paid to its practical orientation. Multimedia equipment (in each classroom) is used for the successful mastering of the material in classes and lectures.

The knowledge gained by students at the  Department of health and safety and physical training allows them to successfully master the selected disciplines in senior courses and apply them in further practical work and everyday life. 



The educational process in the disciplines studied at the department is fully provided by highly qualified teachers.




assessment of knowledge and skills at the department




The order of organization of the educational process in the disciplines: "Physical culture and sports", "Elective courses in physical culture and sports" in the 2022-2023 academic year.

Consulting days of the teaching staff of the Department of TiMFKSiLFC for full-time and part-time students




The order of organization of the educational process in the disciplines: "Physical culture and sports", "Elective courses in physical culture and sports" in the 2022-2023 academic year

Rules and procedure for conducting classes in the Bustan Sports Complex (sports hall)

Rules and procedure for conducting classes in the Bustan Sports Complex (swimming pool)

Rules and procedure for conducting classes during distance learning

INSTRUCTION on occupational safety during training sessions on the general physical training for students of Kazan Federal University