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Material and technical support and equipment of the educational process

Material and technical support of the educational process


Lecture hall (Kazan, Karl Marx str., 74, room. 204 a), The number of seats for students is 200. (screen, projector (SONY), rotary mobile board, the teacher's workplace is equipped with a laptop TMR653-M CI5–3230M 15" 4/500GB 7PR NX.V7EER. 016 ACER.


Lecture hall (Kazan, Proezd Professor Nuzhina street, 1, room 58).  The number of seats for students is 80. (screen, projector (ViewSonic), the teacher's workplace is equipped with a laptop TMR653–M CI5-3230M 15" 4/500GB 7PR NX.V7EER. 016 ACER.


Sports hall (Kazan, Proezd  Professor Nuzhin street, 1,). A sports hall for students – a one-time passability of up to 120 people.


Playgrounds: basketball, volleyball, mini football, badminton (3 courts).


Inventory and equipment: wrestling carpet, mini-football gates., floorball gates, nets: volleyball, badminton, tennis tables, gymnastic benches, stopwatches, medical balls, gymnastic hoops, mats, gymnastic walls, cones, marking chips, coordination ladders, fitballs, gymnastic jump ropes, sports equipment for playing sports (balls for sports, badminton rackets and for playing table tennis).


Swimming pool (Kazan, Proezd  Professor Nuzhin street, 3,). Swimming pool 25 m long with 8 swimming lanes, swimming vests, fins, swimming board, calabash board, inflatable armbands, dry swimming hall.


Students are offered educational and scientific literature in electronic library systems:


Educational and methodological literature for this discipline is available in the electronic library system "ZNANIUM.COM ", access to which is provided to students. EBS "ZNANIUM.COM " contains the works of the largest Russian scientists, heads of state bodies, teachers of the leading universities of the country, highly qualified specialists in various fields of business. The library's fund is formed taking into account all changes in educational standards and includes textbooks, manuals, teaching materials, monographs, abstracts, dissertations, encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books, legislative and regulatory documents, special periodicals and publications issued by university publishers. Currently EBS ZNANIUM.COM meets all the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education (FGOS HE) of the new generation.


Educational and methodological literature for this discipline is available in the electronic library system of the Publishing House "Lan", access to which is provided to students. The EBS of the Lan Publishing House includes electronic versions of books by the Lan publishing house and other leading publishers of educational literature, as well as electronic versions of periodicals on natural, technical and humanitarian sciences. The EBS of the Lan Publishing House provides access to scientific, educational literature and scientific periodicals in the maximum number of specialized areas in compliance with all copyright and related rights.


Educational and methodological literature for this discipline is available in the electronic library system "Student Consultant", access to which is provided to students. The multidisciplinary educational resource "Student Consultant" is an electronic library system (EBS) that provides access via the Internet to educational literature and additional materials acquired on the basis of direct contracts with copyright holders. Fully complies with the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education for the acquisition of libraries, including electronic ones, in terms of the formation of collections of basic and additional literature.


Laboratory equipment is available: electronic scales, multimedia equipment (computer, projector, screen), Kettler bicycle ergometer with computer control, MacLab analog-to-digital converter (2 pcs.), rheographic complex "Valenta" (2 sets)