Регистрация\VIII Международная конференция Математическое образование в школе и вузе MATHEDU-2018 - Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет
  Русский | English
Full name *
Organization *
Post *
Scientific degree *
Country *
City *
Phone *
E-mail *
Additional information about the participant
Postal adress with zip-code *
Participation *
очное/intramural заочное/extramural
Participation in the events *
VIII Республиканский семинар учителей/VIII Republican seminar of teachers of mathematics
The main directions of work of the Conference *
Participation in the trips
Иннополис/Innopolis city
Свияжск и Раифа/town of Sviyazhsk and Raifa
Password * (6-10 characters)
Authors of report
Title of the report
Type of the report
Oral Poster
* - fields that couldn't be empty