Bochkarev V.V., Maslennikova Yu.S. Initialization of Multilayered Forecasting Artificial Neural Networks 7
Zhukov G.V., Ishmukhametova M.G., Kondrat'eva E.D., Usanin V.S. Comet Borrelly and Meteoroid Swarms Identification Methods 15
Teptin G.M., Khutorova O.G., Zhuravlev A.A., Khutorov V.E., Vasilyev A.A. The Macroturbulent Influence on Radiowave Propagation Investigated by the Set of the GPS - GLONASS Receivers 23
Vagizov F.G., Sadykov E.K., Arinin V.V., Kocharovskaya O.A. Determination of the Recoilless Absorption Fraction of Gamma Quanta by Nuclei in Solids Using a Delayed Coincidence Technique 33
Konovalov D.A., Gumarov G.G., Petukhov V.Y., Khalikov R.A., Nuzhdin V.I. Study of Magnetic Properties of Ion-Synthesized Layers by Scanning Magnetic Polarimetry 49
Naumov V.S. The Fluctuation of Density Electronic States Tails in the Fuse of Alkaline Halide Metals 56
Odivanov V.L., Gavrilov A.G., Ovchinnikov M.N. Automation of Research on Saturated Porous Media by Pressure Waves Method 73
Alimov M.M. General Solution of the One-Phase Hele-Show Problem for Elliptic Bubble 80
Badriev I.B., Banderov V.V., Zadvornov O.A. Existence of Solution of the Equilibrium Soft Network Shell Problem in the Presence of a Point Load 93
Baloev A.A., Lazareva P.A. Characteristic Determinant in the Problem of Optimal Control Synthesis for Oil and Gas Transport through Long Pipelines 103
Berezhnoi D.V., Kuznetsova I.S., Sachenkov A.A. The Modeling of Plastic Deformation of Multilayer Soil in the Zone of Multispan Bridge Footing 116
Veselova L.V., Tikhonov O.E. An Extension of the Krein - Smulian and Lozanovskii Theorems to the Case of Metrizable Spaces with a Cone 126
Volodin I.N., Kareev I.A. James - Stein Confidence Sets: Equal Area Approach in the Global Approximation for the Coverage Probability 132
Demidov D.E., Egorov A.G., Nuriev A.N. Application of NVIDIA CUDA Technology for Numerical Solution of Hydrodinamic Problems 142
Zadvornov O.A. Existence of Solutions for Quasilinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problem in the Presence of Point Sources 155
Kats B.A. The Riemann Boundary Value Problem on Non-Rectifiable Curve and the Cauchy Transform 164
Kuznetzov V.M., Pesoshin V.M., Stolov E.L. Stable States of Asynchronous Generator 174
Paimushin V.N., Polyakova T.V. Exact Solutions of the Problem of Flexural and Cross-Section-Shear Buckling Modes and Free Oscillations of the Rectangular Orthotropic Plate with Loose Edges 181
Sabirov R.G., Fazylov V.R. About the Generator of the Data for the Single Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Problem 199
Salimov R.F., Simushkin S.V. Asymptotically Most Accurate Double-Side Confidence Intervals in Normal-Normal Model 205
Svirkin V.M. The Laplace Operator Spectrum on Connected Compact Simple Rank One and Two Lie Groups 219
Sobolev A.A., Timerbaev M.R. On Finite Element Method of High-Order Accuracy for Two-Point Degenerated Dirichlet Problem of 4th Order 235
Fedotov E.M. Nonconformal Finite Element Schemes for Hyperbolic Linear Systems of Equations 245
Danchenkov S.I., Polyakov V.N. Automatic Text Classification in the System of Concepts Lexical Ontology 255