С 17 по 24 декабря кафедрой контрастивной лингвистики был организован сбор подарков и поздравлений студентов и преподавателей нашего ВУЗа. Для этого мероприятия была установлена Christmas Box, в которой студенты могли оставить не только поздравительные открытки, но и свои Рождественские истории, написанные на английском языке. И вот лучшие из них:
Алина Исламова, 408 гр
One day under a blue moon
In a land far far away
A girl in her gloomy lonely room
Was missing, with sorrow, a day.
When New Year was kind of a magic night
And winter was snowy and mild,
When her thoughts were upbeat and bright -
Time when she was a child.
Holidays were awaited with rapture
When we used to be little kids.
Can you explain it by powers of nature
What happened to our fairy dreams?
The moment our dreams met reality
We've lost the faith they come true.
We like indulging in our own vanity.
Now we are closed to anything new.
Come on!
Let's fill the space in our cold hearts
By joy, and magic, by elation, by falling stars.
You owe it to child full of dreams.
Can't you hear his heartbreaking screams?
Let New Year's eve be awaited ahead,
Spend holidays seeking for present for friends,
Forget all troubles, all tumult,
Instead -
Enjoy your lives. Your lives have ends.
Латыпова Регина, гр.408
It was snowing on the 25 of December. Nevertheless there had been a great story before the winter came with all of her charming features and fabulous atmosphere when all people are happy congratulating each other with the holidays and exchanging delicious cookies. In every street of the city can be heard jingle bells, fake Santa Clauses to give children tasty presents. Even an illumination from the windows of big markets gives a fairy-tale-ish feeling of happiness and renewal.
However, the very beginning of the story was not so amazing, because of some guy from Antarctica who was introduced as a Santa`s cousin Fanta. He did his best to ruin the whole high day. One can`t imagine what awful things he had done. His dreadful tricks almost have made people forget about the Christmas. They continued their routine taking no notice of approaching date.
What mess do you think he has done?! If I tell you will never forgive him his deeds.
First of all, he called the Spring and persuaded her to get up from her floral bed and begin to burn the snow. The Spring didn`t argue with him, because he was Santa`s relative and had privileges among the circles he associated with.
Moreover, he made all students pass their exams and final tests on Christmas Eve. He knew that the great percentage of all students were going to celebrate Christmas at home with the close people, but not at the university.
Fortunately, Santa rescued students at the last moment and punished his notorious brother Fanta Claus. The unclear situation with the weather condition was also fixed. After the conversation between Santa and his brother Fanta Claus the Spring went to her bed which is made of snowdrops and dreamed about the hot bright sun shining upon the city.
City dwellers have pried themselves away from their jobs and placed greater focus on their families and friends. they at last understood the Christmas is the time to feel a soft warmth of being near the beloved people.
This dream I saw at the Christmas Eve and was rather astonished to find a bunch of snowdrops on the top of my bed.