Центр компетенций UNIVERSUM+ ИМОИиВ
Образовательный семинар для культурных лидеров на Мальте
Deadline to apply is 1 August 23:59 (CET)
Are you a young cultural practitioner looking to develop and strengthen your cultural leadership skills in an international working context? Then the Global Cultural Leadership Programme is designed for you.
Through its framework, content and methodology, the Global Cultural Leadership Programme specifically aims to improve the skills of cultural managers, enhance collaborative peer-to-peer learning, network building and enable you to develop fresh insights into international cultural collaboration practices. The programme offers a set of learning modules, tools and manuals for practice-based learning, giving you opportunities to build meaningful collaborations at the global level and within the EU.
The Global Cultural Leadership Programme is a component of the Cultural Diplomacy Platform launched in March 2016, to support the European Commission with the implementation of a new 'Strategy for international cultural relations'. ECF is part of the consortium, with BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts, British Council, EUNIC Global, and Institut français, and led by Goethe-Institut, to support the implementation of the Cultural Diplomacy Platform. The Platform aims to carry out activities in order to enhance the EU’s cultural engagement with third countries and their citizens.
For the first edition of the programme, the Cultural Diplomacy Platform is looking specifically for applications from outstanding cultural managers from the ten Strategic Partners of the EU (three participants from each of these ten countries: Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, India, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, South Korea and the USA), as well as from EU Member States (ten EU participants from different EU counties). The participants to the Global Cultural Leadership Programme will come from different fields of relevant cultural practice in their respective countries and represent sectors that are specifically interested in reaching out with their work globally.
This first Global Cultural Leadership Programme will take place in Valletta, Malta from October 16–21 in parallel to the 7th IFACCA World Summit on Arts and Culture.
Candidates who wish to be considered for participation in the first edition of the Global Cultural Leadership Programme shall submit an up-to-date CV (not more than two A4 pages and using the attached format), expression of interest (not more than 500 words) and a project description (not more than 1000 words).
Applications (preferably in pdf format) and inquiries shall be sent by e-mail toglobalculturalprogramme@cultureinexternalrelations.eu. The deadline for submitting applications is August 1st at 23:59 CET (Brussels) time.
We are looking forward to receiving your applications.