Balakin A.B., Zayats A.E. Dark energy fingerprints in the nonminimal Wu-Yang wormhole structure Physical Review D 2014 Vol . 90, N 4, pp. 044049 -1-044049-13
Balakin A.B.Electrodynamic phenomena induced by a dark fluid: Analogs of pyromagnetic, piezoelectric, and striction effects Physical Review D 2014 Vol. 89, N 10, pp. 104012-1-104012-14
Balakin A.B., Zayats A.E. Nonminimal Einstein-Maxwell-Vlasov-axion model Classical and Quantum Gravity 2014 Vol. 31, N 2, pp. 025005-1-025005-19, Volume 31, Issue 2, 21 January 2014, Article number 025005
Balakin A.B.Anomalous character of the axion-photon coupling in a magnetic field distorted by a pp-wave gravitational background Classical and Quantum Gravity 2014 Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 105002-1-105002-21, Volume 31, Issue 10, 21 May 2014, Article number 105002
Balakin A.B.Einstein-aether theory with a Maxwell field: General formalism Annals of Physics 2014 Vol. 350, N 11, pp. 454-484
Balakin A.B., Zayats A.E. Axion-induced oscillations of cooperative electric field in a cosmic magneto-active plasma The European Physical Journal D 2014 Vol. 68, No. 6, 159-1-159-7.
Balakin A.B. Extended axion electrodynamics: Anomalous dynamo-optical response induced by gravitational pp-waves Gravitation and Cosmology 2014 Vol. 20, N3, pp. 152-156
Zayats A.E. Self-interaction in the Bopp–Podolsky electrodynamics: Can the observable mass of a charged particle depend on its acceleration? Annals of Physics 2014 vol. 342, pp. 11-20
Balakin A.B., Zayats A.E. Nonminimal black holes with regular electric field 2015 International Journal of Modern Physics D
Balakin, Alexander B.; Popov, Vladimir A. Spin-axion coupling 2015 PHYSICAL REVIEW D 92 10 105025
Balakin, AB; Lemos, JPS; Zayats, AE Regular nonminimal magnetic black holes in spacetimes with a cosmological constant 2016 PHYSICAL REVIEW D 2 24008
Alpin T.Y., Balakin A.B. The Einstein–Maxwell-aether-axion theory: Dynamo-optical anomaly in the electromagnetic response 2016 International Journal of Modern Physics D
Popov V.A. Resonance detection of dark matter axions using a DC SQUID 2016 Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 122 2 236 242
Balakin A.B., Lemos J.P.S., Zayats A.E. Magnetic black holes and monopoles in a nonminimal Einstein-Yang-Mills theory with a cosmological constant: Exact solutions 2016 Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 93 8 84004
Balakin A.B. Axionic extension of the Einstein-aether theory 2016 Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 94 2 24021
Popov V.A., Balakin A.B. Interaction of axions with relativistic spinning particles 2016 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 718 4 42047
Balakin, AB Electrodynamics of a Cosmic Dark Fluid 2016 Symmetry-Basel 8 7 56
Zayats A.E. Self-interaction in Bopp-Podolsky electrodynamics: Spacetimes with angular defects 2016 Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 94 10 105026
Balakin A.B., Popov V.A. Einstein-aether theory: Dynamics of relativistic particles with spin or polarization in a Gödel-type universe 2017 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2017 4 25
A.B., Zayats A.E. Einstein–Maxwell-axion theory: dyon solution with regular electric field 2017 European Physical Journal C 77 8 519