S. Xu, Z. Xu, O. Kim, R. I. Litvinov, J. W. Weisel, M. Alber. Model predictions of deformation, embolization, and permeability of partially obstructive blood clots under variable shear flow. Journal of the Royal Society Interface (Scopus, WoS, IF=3,917), 2017, 14: 20170441.
P. Höök, R. I. Litvinov, O. V. Kim, S. Xu, Z. Xu, J. S. Bennett, M. S. Alber, J. W. Weisel. Strong binding of the platelet integrin αIIbβ3 to fibrin clots: a potential target to destabilize thrombi. Scientific Reports (Scopus, WoS, IF=4,259), 2017, 7, 13001.
L. D. Zubairova, R. M. Nabiullina, M. A. Shakurova, T. B. Sibgatullin, A. N. Maksudova, R. I. Litvinov, Hyperfibrinogenemia and increased stiffness of plasma clots in the active systemic lupus erythematosus. BioNanoScience (Scopus, WoS), 2017, 7(4):640–643.
Y. F. Zuev, R. I. Litvinov, A. E. Sitnitsky, B. Z. Idiyatullin, D. R. Bakirova, D. K. Galanakis, A. Zhmurov, V. Barsegov, J. W. Weisel. Conformational flexibility and self-association of fibrinogen in concentrated solutions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Scopus, WoS, IF= 3,177), 2017, 121(33):7833-7843.
Тезисы международных конференций
R. I. Litvinov, A. D. Peshkova, D. V. Malyasyov, R. A. Bredikhin, G. Le Minh, I. A. Andrianova, V. Tutwiler, J. W. Weisel. Impaired contraction (retraction) of blood clots is a possible pathogenic mechanism in venous thromboembolism. Blood (WoS, IF=13,164), 2017, vol. 130, Suppl 1, 2382.
R. I. Litvinov, I. A. Andrianova, A. A. Ponomareva, J. W. Weisel. Ultrastructural alterations of platelets and monocytes associated with autoantibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus. Blood (WoS, IF=13,164), 2017, vol. 130, Suppl 1, 4804.
A. D. Protopopova, R. I. Litvinov, D. V. Klinov, D. K. Galanakis, J. W. Weisel. Quantitative structural characterization of fibrinogen's αC regions in fibrin monomers and oligomers. Blood (WoS, IF=13,164), 2017, vol. 130, Suppl 1, 1056.
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