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The project 'Multilingual educational environment'

The project 'Multilingual educational environment' ,The project 'Multilingual educational environment'

Mastering a new language, a person expands not only horizons but the outlook and the perception of the world. It increases the ability and readiness for adequate interaction with others in situations of intercultural communication. The concept of “bilingual or polylingual education” involves the acquisition of students’ subject knowledge in a particular area on the basis of the interrelated use of two languages (native and non-native) as a means of educational activity. It includes foreign language teaching as a tool of perception the world of special knowledge and the content of training, characterizing by a combination of domain-specific and language components in all parts of the educational process.

This project includes:

- development of bilingual textbooks, manuals and online courses;

- organization of  spring and autumn schools “Bilingual holidays”;

- assistance in Tatar language certification in the Russian Federation and abroad: development of tests according to European standards;

- organization of seminars and webinars on methods of teaching language based on the native language.