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The Department of Linguistic and Intercultural Communication

The Department of Linguistic and Intercultural Communication ,Gabdulla Tukay Higher School of National Culture and Education

Department of Linguistic and Intercultural Communication was formed in 2013 on the basis of two departments: Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures and Department of translation and translation studies of the Division of Romance and Germanic Philology. The mission of Department of Linguistic and Intercultural Communication is to train a new generation of specialists in the field of foreign languages (English and Chinese) and native languages (Russian and Tatar), who will be able to carry out various types of professional, interpersonal and intercultural communication.

The Department provides training for students in BA and MA Studies, specializing in courses such as Teacher Education, Philology and Design. Since 2018, the Department includes a new program in the field of Teacher Education in Bilingual Educational Environment".

The aim of Department of Linguistic and Intercultural Communication is a preparation of competitive bilingual specialists today's global and competitive world demands and professional staff for bilingual and polylingual schools, specializing in the high level of two languages at least: native and foreign.

Academic staff of the Department includes 20 members, 10 of them have degrees, and there are foreign teachers as well.

Educational programs are established in line with modern linguistic and didactic concepts of foreign language training. The professional orientation is provided by the use of innovative technologies of authors' programs, manuals and textbooks which are based on the principles of an interdisciplinary approach. Foreign language educational discourse encompasses specialized disciplines' content.


Teachers of the Department are involved in translation activity (from Tatar and Russian into English). They are the main translators of the magazine “Tatarika”. Three volumes of ethno-cultural dictionary were translated by them. The first edition of the Tatar-English dictionary, entering the Oxford Dictionaries' global languages, was produced at Department of Linguistic and Intercultural Communication by N. L. H. Shayakhmetova, Associate Professor, PhD.


The Department's theme of scientific research is defined as Bilingual and Multilingual Language Education in a Multicultural Environment, correlating with the scientific directions “Language and Culture in a Multi-ethnic Environment” and “Modern Educational Technologies in a Multicultural Language Environment”.