Additional Information about the participant\"Палеолимнология Северной Евразии" - Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет
  • Портал КФУ \ Образование \ Институт геологии и нефтегазовых технологий
  Русский | English
Full name *
Date and time of arrival in Kazan airport
Date and time of departure from Kazan airport
I arrive by another mode of transport
Place of residence in Kazan *
Do you plan to participate in:
The walking tour of the city, 01.10.2018 (free of charge), *
Tour 1. Sviyazhsk and Raif Monastery (04.10.2018, 8 hours, 1250 rubles) *
Tour 2 Bolgar State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve (04.10.2018, 10 hours, 1600 rubles): *
Formal dinner (03.10.2018, 3500 rubles): *
Special dietary requirements:
Vegetarian menu *
Payment for cultural program and formal dinner can be received at the conference reception.
Password * (6-10 characters)
* - fields that couldn't be empty