Complex of methods, presented in this work, allows to identify active fluid migration zones of natural or technogenic characters. Application of this complex is especially relevant due to existing areas, which underexplored or not explored by seismic methods. The proposed method allows to promptly p
Международная научно-практическая конференция ?Санкт-Петербург 2020. Геонауки: трансформируем знания в ресурсы?
16.11.2020 - 19.11.2020
Название доклада
?Methodology for express definition of water inflow source in high water cut wells operating multi-layer deposits basing on high-precision studies of fluid produced composition?
An important problem in field development is the high water cut of the production. This problem is very important in fields at a late stage of development, when the number of water-flooded wells increases while oil production decreases.
Рабочий адрес:
Казань, ул. Кремлевская, д. 4/5, Учебное здание №13А (Геологический корпус, блок А)