Баклашова Татьяна Александровна. Общие сведения. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Баклашова Татьяна Александровна



Tatiana A. Baklashova









Kazan State Pedagogical University, Kazan, Russian Federation, 2000.

Major: Foreign Language

Qualification: Teacher of French and English Languages

Dissertation: An innovative model in teaching listening at high school

Diploma with honors




Dec 2019 – present

Directorate of Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation

International Relations Deputy Director


Sept 2016 – present





Sept 2009 -Aug 2016




Sept 2006 – Aug 2009



Sept 2005 – Aug 2006

Department of Higher School of Pedagogics, Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation

Department Associate Professor, Teacher Education Master Studies Program Praxis Supervisor  



Department of Foreign Languages, Institute of Management, Economics and Finance, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation

Department Associate Professor, Responsible for Department scientific activities


Department of Foreign Languages, Kazan State University, Naberezhnye Chelny Branch, Russian Federation

Head Teacher


Department of Foreign Languages, Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Naberezhnye Chelny Branch, Naberezhnye Chelny, Russian Federation

Head Teacher


Sept 2000 – Sept 2005

Department of Foreign Languages, Kazan State Finance and Economics Institute Kazan, Russian Federation

Head Teacher




Nov-Dec 2020




Oct-Dec 2020




June 2018




May 2018



Oct 2017

Qualification upgrade course “An integration platform and lifelong learning services design as a tool to support the lifelong learning system of citizens” (Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation)


Qualification upgrade course “Modern requirements for the education of students with special health abilities” (Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation)


Qualification upgrade course “Information competence of a teacher in the field of IT application in the educational process of the university” (Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation)


Qualification upgrade course “Modern educational technologies in the education system” (Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation)


Qualification upgrade course “Design and implementation of modular network educational programs by education levels” (Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation)












Nov 2004 – Sept 2000

PhD Thesis Defense

Academic Degree: PhD in Pedagogy (Candidate of Pedagogical Science)

Thesis Topic: Content and technologies of managers training at higher professional schools in France


May 2016 – present

Doctoral Thesis

“Adaptive educational potential of international systems for the practical training of future teachers”




May 2020




Sept 2019



Aug 2019



May 2019



May 2018



Sept 2018



May 2018



May 2017




Jan 2017



















IFTE2020 (KFU, Kazan, Russia)

Conference paper: «Design of Praxis Programs for Students of Pedagogical Master's degree studies in the Context of Federal State Educational Standards Implementation»

ECER2019 (University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany)

Conference paper: «Theory and practice in Russian Teacher
Education: The Case of Kazan Federal University (KFU) Master Programs»

ATEE2019 (Bath Spa University, Bath, UK)

Conference paper: «Theory, Practice and Research in Russian Teacher
Education: KFU Master Programs Context»

IFTE2019 (KFU, Kazan, Russia)

Conference paper: «Modification of practical training programs in pedagogical master courses in pursuit of professional development»

IFTE2018 (KFU, Kazan, Russia)

Conference paper: «Formation of professional identity: context of training graduates in pedagogy»

BERA2018 (Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)

Conference paper: «Reconstructing Teacher Education in Russia - a Journey of Change and Challenge»

TEPE2018 (University of Minho, Braga, Portugal)

Conference paper: «Designing Job Training Program: Master Course in Teacher Education»

IFTE2017 (KFU, Kazan, Russia)

Conference paper: «Didactic Potential of Discussion Technique in ESP Teaching»

ICSEI2017 (Ottawa, Canada)

Conference paper: «Tolerance, intercultural understanding and the dialogical imagination: reflections on the emerging research-led education of young Teaching Professionals in the Russian Federation»
























Baklashova, Tatiana A., Sakhieva, Regina G., Telegina, Nadezhda. V., Skobeltsyna, Elena G., & Babieva, Nigina S. (2020). Design of Praxis Programs for Students of Pedagogical Master’s Degree Studies in The Context of Federal State Educational Standards Implementation. Talent Development & Excellence12.

Baklashova, Tatiana A., Skobeltsyna, Elena G. and Galishnikova, Elena M.  (2020). Modification of Practical Training Programs in Pedagogical Master Courses: In Pursuit of Professional Development. Developing Teacher Competences: Key Issues and Values. USA, Nova Publishers

Gafurov, Ilshat R. & Baklashova, Tatiana A. (2020). Perspectives and priorities of teacher education in times of change, choice and challenge. ARPHA Proceedings3, 1.

Saienko, Nataliia, Kalugina, Olga, Baklashova, Tatiana & Rodriguez, Robert. (2019). “A stage-by-stage approach to utilizing news media in foreign language classes at higher educational institutions.”  XLinguae, 12 (1), 91-102.

Baklashova, Tatiana, Skobeltsyna, Elena & Mashanina, Elena. (2019). “Practice-focused training technologies within the school-university partnership: the context of master’s degree in teacher education programs.” Society: sociology, psychology, pedagogy, 8, 87-93.

Rozhina, Vera & Baklashova, Tatiana. (2018). “Teaching English language to young school-age children while making projects, playing games and using robotics.” XLinguae, 11(1), 102-113.

Baklashova, Tatiana & Abdullina, Liliya. (2018). “Text approach methodology in translators training (economic discourse).”  Xlinguae, 11, 19-32.

Valeeva, Roza, Baklashova, Tatyana & Latypova, Liliia (2018). “Management of novice teachers’ induction to the profession: Modernization of the Russian school methodological system.” Journal of E-Learning and Knowledge Society, 14(2), 39-50.

Fartash, Kiarash, Davoudi, Seyed, Baklashova, Tatiana, Svechnikova, Natalia, Nikolaeva, Yulia, Grimalskaya, Svetlana & Beloborodova, Aleksandra. (2018). “The Impact of Technology Acquisition & Exploitation on Organizational Innovation and Organizational Performance in Knowledge-Intensive Organizations.”  Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14, 1497-1507.

Skobeltsyna, Elena G., Mashanina, Elena B., Khavkina, Irina A. & Baklashova, Tatiana A. (2018). “Development of students’ self-dependence by means of intraschool control.” Kazan pedagogical journal, 1(126), 115-121.

Bushmeleva, Natalya & Baklashova, Tatiana. (2017). “Methodological Teaching System of Mathematical Foundations of Formal Languages as a Means of Fundamentalization of Education.” Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 13, 5141-5155.

Galishnikova, Elena M., Baklashova, Tatiana A. & Khafizova, Liliya V.  (2017). “Didactic Potential Of Discussion Technique In Teaching Foreign Language For Pedagogics Students.” The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Volume XLV (29), 206-214.

Baklashova, Tatiana, Galimova, Elvira & Baklashova, Olga. (2017). “Social capital of educational institution: Contemporary state, features and prospects for the development.” Man in India, 97(15), 227-241.

Baklashova, Tatiana & Kazakov, Andrey (2016). “Challenges of international students' adjustment to a higher education institution.” International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(8), 1821-1832.

Baklashova, Tatiana, Galishnikova, Elena & Khafizova, Liliya. (2016). “Prerequisites for emotional intelligence formation in second language learning and career choice.” International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(5), 923-930.

Baklashova, Tatiana A., Galishnikova, Elena M. & Khafizova, Liliya V. (2016). “Formation of conceptual apparatus for professional communicative competence in the language of specialty.” The 4th International Congress on Interdisciplinary Behavior and Social Science (ICIBSoS 2015), Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, 22-23 October 2015 & Arya Duta hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia, 07–08 November 2015, pp. 93-98.

Galishnikova, Elena M., Baklashova, Tatiana A. & Khafizova, Liliya V. (2016). “Formation of Student's Tolerance in Multicultural Environment When Teaching a Foreign Language (KFU Experience, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia).” The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Volume XLV (12), 38-44.

























Participation in a research project “Teacher training technologies in a classical university” within the framework of a state assignment №27.9412.2017/8.9 (2017-2019)  


Grant recipient under the "Algarysh" program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan for a scientific internship at the University of Glasgow (Glasgow, Scotland (School of Education, University of Glasgow). Internship period: 17.02.2019 – 02.03.2019


Performance of work on a State contract from 17 January 2016 № on project 2016-01.01-05015-F-129.010 (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), involving the development and testing of basic professional educational programs at the bachelor's, master's and postgraduate studies levels of education with a focus (field) "Teacher of compulsory education"












English – Fluent

French – Fluent


Computer skills


University teacher competence

Advanced user of PC and office equipment


Associate Professor  



Jan 2020 – present

Jan 2020 – present


June 2018 – present

Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan Federal University

Executive Director, Member of the Scientific Committee and Editorial Board of the International Forum for Teacher Education (IFTE)

ISATT Association Member
















Рабочий адрес: Казань, ул. М.Межлаука, д. 1, Учебное здание №25
Номер кабинета: 212
Телефон: +7(843) 221-34-75
E-mail: ptatyana2011@mail.ru
Вконтакте: https://vk.com/id233923099
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PTatyanaB
Google scholar: https://myaccount.google.com/?utm_source=OGB&utm_medium=act
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=4jB_anYAAAAJ&hl=ru
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3038-6990
Общий педагогический стаж:
 21 год   с 15.09.1998
Педагогический стаж (ППС) в ВУЗе:
 23 года 6 месяцев   с 01.09.2000
Научно-педагогический стаж:
 23 года 6 месяцев   с 01.09.2000
Общий стаж:
 25 лет 5 месяцев   с 15.09.1998
Непрерывный в КФУ:
 10 лет 2 месяца   с 01.09.2009