Салихова Наиля Рустамовна. Общие сведения. Персональная страница сотрудника КФУ. Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет.
Салихова Наиля Рустамовна

Статьи в Scopus

Salikhova, Nailia R. (Salihova, N.R.)
Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation
Author ID: 56381526300  (26039437300)
Documents: 11
Subject area:  Psychology, Social Sciences,  Arts and Humanities

Salihova N.R. Personal values realization in life crisis conditions. Psikhologicheskii Zhurnal. Vol. 30, Issue 1, 2009. P. 44-51. https://shelly.kpfu.ru/e-ksu/docs/F1431011961/RealizuemostLichnostnykhCennostejVusloviyakhZhiznennogoKrizisa.pdf?p_random=833976

Salikhova Nailia R. Correlation of Meaningfulness of Life to Psychological Time in Personality. Asian Social Science. 2014. Vol. 10, No 19. - P. 291-295. DOI: 10.5539/ass.v10n19p291

Salikhova Nailia R. The Correlation of Importance and Attainability Disparity in the Personality Value System with the Meaningfulness of Life. Review of European Studies; Vol. 7, No. 1; 2015. - P. 141-147.DOI: 10.5539/res.v7n1p141

Salikhova, N.R. The comparison of substantial and dynamic parameters personal value-meaning systems of american and russian university students. Review of European Studies Volume 7, Issue 4, 2015, P. 117-123. DOI: 10.5539/res.v7n4p117

Salikhova Nailia R. Types of Personal Values in the Continuum of Unrealisability–Realisability of their Meaning. Review of European Studies, Vol. 7, No. 5, 2015; Special Issue. - P. 217-221. DOI: 10.5539/res.v7n5p217

Salikhova Nailia R. The Correlation of Importance and Attainability Disparity in the Personality Value System with the Meaningfulness of Life // Review of European Studies; Vol. 7, No. 1; 2015. - P. 141-147.DOI: 10.5539/res.v7n1p141

Kurbanova A.T. & Salikhova N.R. Operations of Classification Thinking in Students Working on Verbal Tasks // International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. - 2016. - Volume 11, Issue 3. - P. 289-298.

Salikhova N.R. Akhmetova A.S. The Comparison of Content and Dynamic Parameters Personal Value-meaning Systems of Kazakh and Russian Undergraduates // Mathematics Education. - 2016. - Volume 11. Issue 1 (April ). - P. 221-230.

Lynch M.F. & Salikhova N.R. Teachers' Conceptions About the Child's Developmental Needs: A Structural Analysis // Mathematics Education. - 2016. - Vol. 11. - № 5. - Р. 1471-1479.

KurbanovaAj. T. , Salikhova N. R.  Yonghui Cao. Development of Classification Thinking in Future Teachers: Technologies of Reflective Discussion // EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. - 2017. - Vol. 13. - № 6. - Р. 1865-1879.

Salikhova N.R,  Lynch M.F,  Salikhova A.B., Psychological aspects of digital learning: A self-determination theory perspective//Contemporary Educational Technology. - 2020. - Vol.12, Is.2. - P.1-13. https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85092490319&origin=resultslist

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Номер кабинета: 224
Телефон: (843) 221-34-90
E-mail: Nailya.Salihova@kpfu.ru
Вконтакте: http://vk.com/id292954032
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=Zoh82VIAAAAJ&hl=ru
ResearcherID: K-7408-2015: http://www.researcherid.com/ProfileView.action?returnCode=ROUTER.Unauthorized&Init=Yes&SrcApp=CR&queryString=KG0UuZjN5WnviQ4U6%252B2P4HdJEysdWWW5kvHSGMhmRGw%253D
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 29 лет 3 месяца   с 01.10.1990
Научно-педагогический стаж:
 35 лет 11 месяцев   с 01.11.1986
Общий стаж:
 36 лет 2 месяца   с 06.09.1984
Непрерывный в КФУ:
 35 лет 6 месяцев   с 13.01.1989