Radif Rifkatovich Zamaletdinov,
Kazan Federal University,
18 Kremlyovskaya Str., Каzan, 420008, Russia,
Mirfatykh Zakievich Zakiev,
Academy of Sciences, the Republic of Tatarstan,
20 Bauman Str., Kazan, 420111, Russia,
Naila Nuryikhanovna Fattakhova,
Kazan Federal University,
18 Kremlyovskaya Str., Каzan, 420008, Russia,
The article studies the academic activity of L.Z.Shakirova, Doctor of Pedagogy, the founder of the Kazan linguistic and methodological school. All scientific works by L.Z.Shakirova, conceptual in essence and fact-orientated, are devoted to one of the cardinal issues: methods of teaching Russian in ethnic schools. Focused on methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, L.Z.Shakirova's research is characterized by its high linguistic level and a contrastive analysis of Russian and the native language.
Key words: linguist and methodologist, linguistic methodology, principles of linguistic methodology, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.