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Scientific educational center 'Migration pedagogics'

Scientific educational center “Migration pedagogics” is established in the Institute of psychology and education KFU on June 1, 2016 within the scope of the project SAE “Teacher 21”.

The center's objectives:

  1. Examination of and research into strategies of migrant children's adaptation and socialization in educational environment;
  2. Development of strategies and course content for educating migrant children together with the development of teacher training courses in accordance with the culture-specific elements of multi-ethnic communities.
  3. Development of the system of psychological pedagogical support for migrant children and their families.

2 main interrelated directions of the center's work:

The head of Scientific educational center of migrational pedagogics:

Chulpan Gromova, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor

Address: room 401, 1 M.Mezhlauk, Kazan, 420021

Tel No.: +7(919)630-59-91

E-mail: gromovajob@rambler.ru