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Student Research Society of the Law Faculty

Student Research Society of the Law Faculty ,Student Research Society of the Law Faculty

Student Research Society of the Law Faculty is a voluntary non-profit association of the Law faculty studentsengaged in research work, created on the basis of common interests.

SRS is one of the leading Russian student research organizations, representing a well-constructed model of management. It is aimed at achieving the objectives in the field of student science, it successfullyfunctionsand proves its worth.

The main purpose of SRS is to assist the development and promotion of Law sciences among students of Kazan Federal University and other educational institutions. SRSfeatures the members from years of study period whoactively participate in faculty research life,coordinated and intensive work of organizers, whocan always rely upon the researchers, faculty and Kazan University administration.

SRS has made significant achievements in the organization of numerous student research and practical activities at national and international level, including conferences, model processes, roundtables, teleconferences, and forums. SRS contacts with public organizations of universities, institutes and academies in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Perm, Voronezh, Ufa, Ulyanovsk, as well as leading universities abroad. The latter includeJustus Liebig University Giessen, Warsaw State University and Nanjing University.

Kazan University has been successfully organizing the annual student competition “Russian Legal Debates”the ninth year in a row.Kazan University is also renowned for running International research conference for undergraduate and postgraduate students. These events account forKFU SRSmerit and innovation in the field of scientific activities.

Today, all faculty departments take part in activities of the Student Research Society. 24 student researchproject teams(structural units of the faculty student scientificwork) and 4 study groups were organized at the Departments. Each Department has a teacher or a graduate student responsible for research work coordination within Department and faculty.

It is worth mentioning that over the years the Students Research Society was awarded the title of“Student Research Society of the Year” by the results of Annual Student Award of the Republic of Tatarstan; the winner of the Best Student Research Society competition in the framework of “Lomonosov 2011” conference at Moscow State University; the winner of "KFU Student of the Year" competitionin the category “Best Research Society”. Traditionally held atKFU Law faculty, Russian Legal Debatesmodel process won the competition "KFU Student of the Year" in 2013 in the category "The Project of the Year".

It obvious that SRS is talent foundry and educational platform for future professionals. Many representatives of scientific societies have become post-graduates of their Alma Mater,prominent researchers and policy-makers working hard in the field of Law.

In conclusion, Student ResearchSociety of KFU Law Faculty always welcomes students. Here everyone can get an original researchvector, learn about upcoming contests and events. In our opinion, thisi s necessary not only for freshmen, but also for senior students.