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Student Self-government Council of the Law Faculty

Student Self-government Council of the Law Faculty ,Student Self-government Council

The Student Council of the Law Faculty of Kazan Federal University is a permanent managing body of student self-government. It includes students oflaw studying on Specialist, Bachelor and Master programs (full-time form).

Student Council objectives are to encourage social standof students,their participation in improving the education quality and academic process organization; to promote students independence and their self-management, social maturity growthand cultural awareness of the student community of KFU Law faculty.

The Student Council performs the following tasks to attain the objectives:

Currently the Student Council consists of 7 structural units.

A structural unit of the Student Council is a voluntary non-profit association of the Law Faculty students. It directly coordinates the relevant activities of the Law faculty student community of Kazan Federal University.

Structural units of the Student Council include: