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The Student Council of the Law faculty in the Universiade Village

The Student Council of the Law faculty in the Universiade Village ,The Student Council of the Law faculty in the Universiade Village

Intensive university life doesn’t ceasewhen students come back home after lectures. KFU Student Campus is recognized to be the best in Russia. Every day this place boils up with inexhautible energy, new ideas and events. Despite the fact that it was created relatively recently, it has already established its own traditions and customs. Annual meetings with the mayor of the Universiade Village, where residents can discusstheir problems,thank for the accomplishments, festivals, concerts, meetings with celebrities and contests –students organize all these events themselves jointly with the Administration of the Universiade Village and the University.

Strong student government is a good tradition of our Law Faculty. The Student Council in the Universiade Village was created almost immediately after its opening in 2010. It gathers the most active faculty students. The Student Council is actively expandingits structure and currently it includes about 25 members working in different areas. Along with traditional cultural and sport activities, there are specific areas, such as sanitary inspection and labor organization. From the first days students are quickly engaged with self-government and campus life.

Traditional events such as the celebration of All Hallows Day, “the Best Dormitory Room”competition, Student Autumn Festival,“World Cuisine”competition, “Bard Songs Party”, “Spring Spartakiad Games”, board and computer games tournaments are held every year and gather a lot of participants.

The main tasks of the Student Council are the interaction with campus administration and faculty, protection and explanationof the Universiade Village residents rights, organization of student events, resolution of  everyday household issues, final assessment of students for the upcoming academic year, accommodation according to student requests and student check-in in August.

For 2014/2015 academic year the campus has provided places for approximately 530 students in 1 and 12 houses.