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Senior staff scientists

Interdisciplinary centre of excellence for stratigraphy and paleogeoreconstruction

Director – Associate Professor Polina Galitskaya,

Scientific adviser – Professor Svetlana Selivanovskaya;

Professor of the University of Helsinki, Martin Romanchuk (HI=28),

Professor of the University of Goettingen, Yakov Kuzyakov (HI=36)

Professor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Elisha Tel-Or (HI=21),

Associate Professor of the University of Helsinki, Aki Sinkkonen (HI=8).

Laboratory of Stratigraphy of Oil and Gas Bearing Reservoirs:

Director – Joerg Schneider (HI=15, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany);

adviser –Spencer Lucas (HI=23, New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Albuquerque, USA),

adviser – Vladimir Davydov (HI=15, Boise State University, USA),

adviser – Marion Tichomirowa (HI=14, Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany), Annette Goetz (HI=9, Universiteit van Pretoria, Department of Geology, South Africa)

Isotope Research Laboratory(Helmut Weissert personal laboratory):

Director – Helmut Weissert (HI=36, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland

Centre of excellence for hydrocarbon deposit development simulation

Thermodynamic and rheological features of high-viscosity oil and non-conventional hydrocarbons:

Sergey P. Verevkin (HI=34, University of Rostock, Germany)

Vladimir N. Emel'yanenko (HI=18, University of Rostock, Germany

Jean Charles De Hemptinne (HI=19, IFP Energies nouvelles, Paris, France

In-situ catalytic refining of high-viscosity oil, including nanophase catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis and geocatalysis:

Xavier Rozanska (HI=19, CNRS Lyon University, Lyon, France

Tayfun Babadagli (HI=18, University of Alberta, Canada)

Pedro Pereira-Almao (HI=15, University of Calgary, Canada) 

Schoonen Martin (НI=37, Stony Brook University, US

Research of in situ combustion process:

Anthony Kovscek (HI=26, Stanford University, USA) 

Mustafa Versan Kok (HI=28, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey)

Gordon Moore (HI=16, University of Calgary, Canada

Malcolm Greaves (HI=14, University of Bath, UK

Claude Gadelle Xytel (USA)

John Belgrave HI=10 Belgrave Oil and Gas Corp

Alex Turta HI=8 Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures, Canada

Alex Turta HI=8 Alberta Innovates - Technology Futures, Canada

Laboratory of new catalysts for petrochemistry:

Dr. Giuliano Giambastiani (HI=24, Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic Compounds, ICCOMCNR, Sesto-Fiorentino, Florence, Italy

Prof. Dr. Joachim Heinicke (HI=27, Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Greifswald, Germany

Dr. Andreas Petr (HI=19, Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden, Germany)