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1. neurobiology. early activity in the developing brain

  1. dzhala v, valeeva g, glykys j, khazipov r, staley k (2012) traumatic ations in gaba signaling disrupt hippocampal network activity in the developing brain  // j neurosci 32:4017-4031.
  2. valeeva g., valiullina f., khazipov r. excitatory actions of gaba in the intact neonatal rodent hippocampus in vitro // frontiers in cellular neuroscience, in print
  3. colonnese m, khazipov r spontaneous activity in developing sensory circuits: implications for resting state fmri.. neuroimage. 2012 neuroimage. 2012 oct 1;62(4):2212-21.

2. molecular mechanisms of regulation if excitable cells. the role of gaseous messengers

grants of russian foundation of basic researchers

2003-2005 “second messenger system as a target of action of biological active compounds”

2006-2008 - “the role of carbon monoxide in the modulation of synaptic  transmission” 

2009-2011 нydrogen sulfide as novel endogenous modulators of synaptic transmission

since 2012- hydrogen sulfide as a gasotransmitter in excitable tissues

2004-2009  grant of russian ministry of education

  1. sitdikova gf, zefirov gasotransmitters in regulation of neuromuscular transmission/ hermann a, sitdikova g & weiger t. (eds.), gasotransmitters: physiology and pathophysiology, springer 2012, p 139-161
  2. hermann anton1, sitdikova guzel f.2 & weiger thomas m modulated by gasotransmitters - bk channels hermann a, sitdikova g & weiger t. (eds.), gasotransmitters: physiology and pathophysiology, springer 2012, p 163-201
  3. anton hermann, guzel f. sitdikova and thomas m. weiger (2012). bk channels – focus on polyamines, ethanol/acetaldehyde and hydrogen sulfide (h2s), patch clamp technique, prof. fatima shad kaneez (ed.), p109-143  isbn: 978-953-51-0406-3, intech, available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/patch-clamp-technique/bk-channels-focus-on-polyamines-ethanol-acetaldehyde-and-hydrogen-sulfide-h2s-
  4.  n. khaertdinov, d.r. ahmetshina, a.l. zefirov, g.f. sitdikova, hydrogen sulfide in regulation of frog myocardium contractility1 2012, biologicheskie membrany, 2012, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 231–237.
  5.   mitruchina o.b., yakovlev a.v., sitdikova g.f. effect of hydrogen sulfide on the processes of exo- and endocytosis of synaptic vesicles in mouse motor nerve endings // biologicheskie membrany, 2012, v29, № 5, p. 324-328
  6.    valiullina f.f., sitdikova g.f. effects and mechanisms of nitric oxide (ii) action on transmitter release in mouse motor nerve terminal// neurophysiology, vol. 44, no. 6, december, 2012, p. 490-492
  7. sitdikova gf, khaertdinov nn, zefirov al. role of calcium and potassium channels in effects of hydrogen sulfide on frog myocardial contractility has now been published in the following paginated issue of bulletin of experimental biology and medicine: volume 151, issue 2 (2011), page 163-166 springer
  8.   dv abramochkin, nn haertdinov, mv porokhnya, a l zefirov, g f sitdikova carbon monoxide affects electrical and contractile activity of rat myocardium// journal of biomedical science 2011, 18:40.
  9. 9.    abramochkin dv, haertdinov nn, porokhnya mv, zefirov al, sitdikova gf.   changes in the electrical and contractile activities of rat atrial myocardium caused by carbon monoxide. dokl biol sci. 2011 jul-aug;439:187-90. doi: 10.1134/s0012496611040053. epub 2011
  10.   g. f. sitdikova, a. v. yakovlev , y. g. odnoshivkin, a. l. zefirov effects of hydrogen sulfide on the exo and endocytosis of synaptic vesicles in frog motor nerve endings// neurochemical journal, 2011, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 245–250.
  11.   g. f. sitdikova, zefirov al hydrogen sulfide: from the sewers of paris ti signaling molecule // piroda 2010 № 9 с. 29-37 (in russian)
  12.    zefirov al, zakharov av, mukhametzyanov rd, petrov am, sitdikova gf the vesicle cycle in motor nerve endings of the mouse diaphragm  // neurosci behav physiol. 2009 mar;39(3):245-52.
  13.  g.f.sitdikova, t.m.weiger, a. hermann hydrogen sulfide increases calcium-activated potassium 5 (bk) channel activity of rat pituitary tumor cells // pflugers arch - eur j physiol 2009 doi 10.1007/s00424-009-0737-0 pflugers arch - eur j physiol (2010) 459:389–397
  14.    g. f. sitdikova, , e. v. gerasimova, n. n. khaertdinov, a. l. zefirov role of cyclic nucleotides in effects of hydrogen sulfide on the mediator release in frog neuromuscular junction neurochemical journal, 2009, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 282–287
  15.   a.m. petrov, a.r. giniatullin, g.f. sitdikova, a.l. zefirov the role of cgmp-dependent signaling pathway in synaptic vesicle cycle at the frog motor nerve terminals//j.neurosci, 2008, 28(49):13216-13222; doi:10.1523/jneurosci.2947-08.2008
  16.   e. v. gerasimova, g. f. sitdikova, al. zefirov hydrogen sulfide as an endogenous modulator of mediator release in the frog neuromuscular synapse// neurochemical journal, 2008, vol. 2, nos. 1–2, pp. 120–126.
  17.   arkhipova ov, grishin sn, sitdikova gf, zefirov al. the presynaptic effects of arachidonic acid and prostaglandin e2 at the frog neuromuscular junction// neurosci behav physiol. 2006 mar;36(3):307-12.
  18.  gf sitdikova, rr islamov, ma mukhamedyarov, vv permyakova, al zefirov, and a palotas modulation of neurotransmitter release by carbon monoxide at the frog neuro-muscular junction// curr drug metab, february 1, 2007; 8(2): 177-84.
  19.   o.v. yakovleva, g.f. sitdikova, e.v. gerasimova, a.l. zefirov fatty acids modulate transmitter release and functioning of potassium channels in motor nerve endings//neurochemical journal, 2007, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 143–149.
  20.  sitdikova gf, zefirov al  [gaseous messengers in the nervous system]. ross fiziol zh im i m sechenova. 2006 jul;92(7):872-82. review. russian.

3. mechanisms of motor functions control in health and disease

grants rfbr

2007-2009  «movement contol in conditions of reorganization of motor activity»

2007-2009 «persistence neuronal activity in the control of muscular contraction

1. neuroscience and behavioral physiologyeremeev a.a.pleshchinskii i.n.baltina t.v.eremeev a.m. the state of the contralateral gastrocnemius muscle motor center in rats with unilateral sciatic nerve injury. 2012.  42 (8) , pp. 822-827.

2. acta astronautica. islamov r.r., mishagina e.a.tyapkina o.v.,shajmardanova g.f., eremeev a.a., kozlovskaya i.b.,nikolskij e.e.grigorjev a.i. mechanisms of spinal motoneurons survival in rats under simulated hypogravity on earth. 2011. 68 (9-10) , pp. 1469-1477.

3. biophysicsislamov r.r.tyapkina o.v.eremeev a.a.shaymardanova g.f.chakkaeva e.a.kozlovskaya i.b.nikolsky e.e. possible specialization of motoneuron axonal compartments in synthesis of particular proteins. 2010. 55 (5) , pp. 745-749.
4. aviakosmicheskaya i ekologicheskaya meditsina. vikhliantsev i.m., terentieva a.v., baltina t.v., podlubnaya z.a. effect of vibrostimulation on support zones of rat's feet, and support loading on titin n2a-isoform and t2-fragment in m. soleus under the conditions of simulated microgravity
. 2010. 44 (2) , pp. 45-49.