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The Department trains geneticists who possess knowledge about genetic and mutational analysis applied to plants, animals and microorganisms, genetic and cellular engineering, plant and microorganism selection.


The Department of Genetics provides a complex of courses and disciplines covering fields of the general and molecular genetics of plants, animals and microorganisms, genetic and cellular engineering, plant and microorganism selection, mutational processes, application of genetic methods in medicine, biotechnology and genetic expertise.

The systematic knowledge of the basic scientific achievements in the field of human and animal genetics, the interaction of non-allelic genes, inheritance of human blood groups on various systems in order to establish relationship and use the results in Forensics. Students are learned how to compile the genealogical tree for determining the hereditary nature of the feature, is the allele dominant or recessive, sex-linked (X or Y chromosome), mitochondrial or nuclear origin.

The principles of organization of the human genome, the genetic analysis of human features, the applied aspects of human and animal genetics, actual ideas about human evolution.



Structure of chromosomes, chromosome structural changes, methods of detection and analysis of chromosomal aberrations, principles of studying the structure and function of chromosomes; the methods of the study of polymorphism of chromosome morphology, cytogenetic about the basics of the most common chromosomal human diseases, animals and plants. At the workshops the students learn modern cytogenetic methods of drug investigations, make a comparative analysis of the karyotypes of different groups of living organisms and to determine the types of chromosomal rearrangements.


Molecular genetics

The molecular mechanisms of saving, copying, and realization of genetic information of viruses, pro- and eukaryotes: the structure of the genome, gene regulatory elements, non-coding elements, the DNA packaging principles, enzymology and molecular mechanisms of replication, trans­cription and translation, recombination and DNA repair, genetic transformation of organisms.



Applied genetics

The new approaches to the use of genetic engineering techniques for the treatment of various human diseases, the issues stem and cancer cells, genetic mechanisms for targeted editing of genomes of organisms.

Gene expression regulation in various pathological conditions of the body, the gene therapy approaches to the treatment of diseases, familiarization with modern methods of molecular genetics and gene diagnostics, genetically engineered cell.

The course of medical genetics is devoted to the molecular-genetic bases of storage, transfer and implementation of genetic information, causing disease in humans: chromosomal and gene (monogenic and oligogene) disease; particular pathologies, sex-linked, and mitochondrial DNA defects and mutations causing the instability of chromosomes, the violation of the regulation of the cell cycle, modern trends, problems and prospects of medical genetics related to the introduction omiks technologies and implementation of research projects.


The multinational community of the geneticists at Kazan University is represented by students from Russia, CIS, Germany, Poland, South Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia, Libya, Ethiopia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Macedonia.