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Department of Genetics

The Department, founded in 1976, takes its origins from the Cabinet of Genetics formed at the Department of Invertebrate Zoology of the Kazan University. 

The Department is training specialists able apply the methods of genetic and mutational analysis to plants, animals, and microorganisms, and familiar with the methods of genetic and cellular engineering, plant and microorganisms breeding.

Undergraduate degree in Genetics

The study program provides an opportunity for detailed investigation of:

After completing their bachelor's degree education, students may continue their education by following Master Program in Genetics. Moreover, the Department also prepares Specialists in Genetics (Specialty 020206.65 – genetics). Study program on this specialty provides a great attention to the acquisition of practical skills in computer science, use of modern information technologies and molecular-genetic techniques.

Over 450 specialists have graduated from  the Department of Genetics and currently working in scientific centers of USA, France, Japan, Australia, Libya and all over Russia (Biological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Puschino-na-Oke), Institute of Protein, Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microbes, Institute of Biophysics, Institute of Gene Biology, Institute for Agriculture and many others).