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German Centre of Education, Science and Culture

Kazan, Rahmatullin str., 1, room 20
Head of the centre - Donetskaya Olga Igorevna
E-mail: dz@ksu.ru

German Centre of Education, Science and Culture of the Kazan Federal University was established in 2005.

The main objective of its activity is support and distribution of the German language and culture in the Republic of Tatarstan. The mission of the German centre lies in the contribution to strengthening of the German-Russian dialogue, to development of cooperation between our countries, to the process of establishment of interrelations between educational, scientific and cultural institutions of Germany and Tatarstan.

The work of the German centre includes three basic directions: education, science and culture. The wide spectrum of German language  curricula for all categories of the population is offered here. The international scientific and educational projects play an important role in the activity of the German centre. One of the primary goals of the German centre is popularisation of artistic creativity of Germany by means of arranging meetings, literary readings, concerts.