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Scientific and educational center "Resonance properties of condensed media"

Scientific and educational center  ,Scientific and educational center, Resonance properties of condensed media

Scientific and educational center "Resonance properties of condensed media"

Scientific and educational center "Resonance properties of condensed matter" was created on December 25, 2009 with the purpose of developing scientific and personnel potential of KSU, improving the quality of educational and scientific processes at KSU, combining intellectual and material and technical resources in the implementation of scientific research; creation and large-scale application of innovative development methods and innovative education technologies.

 In April 2010, within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Scientific and Scientific-Pedagogical Cadres of Innovative Russia", a tender was won for the right to conclude a state contract for research on "Synthesis and Investigation of the Physical Properties of Advanced Materials for Electronics Based on Metal and semiconductor nanoparticles "(state contract No. 02.740.11.0797 dated April 24, 2010).

The task of the project was to solve a number of topical problems of synthesis and research of nanostructures and nanomaterials that are promising for quantum, microwave and optical electronics, spintronics and quantum computer science

The objectives of the project were: to develop techniques for ion-stimulated synthesis of nanoparticles in order to create new photonic metamaterials that have unique nonlinear optical properties in the visible and near IR ranges; development of technologies for ion-stimulated synthesis of nanocomposite multiferroics based on magnetic nanoparticles in order to create new functional materials for electronics; the measurement of the functional characteristics of the new materials obtained; Studies of the features of quantum transport in double vertical quantum dots based on gallium arsenide; elucidation of the role and influence of the geometric factor and strong correlations between the degrees of freedom of these materials on their useful properties; construction of new theoretical models for the development of methods for managing their physical properties, problem-oriented prediction of methods for their modification and optimization of their use in modern nanotechnologies.