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Science & Research

Science & Research ,Department of General Physics, R & D, research work, directions of scientific work, scientific projects

The Department of General Physics conducts scientific research in the following areas: condensed matter physics, low temperature physics, physics of magnetic phenomena, physics of magnetic nanostructures and spintronics, nanostructure technology, atomic and molecular physics, nonlinear optics, instruments and methods for monitoring the environment, substances, materials and products, theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (by areas and levels of education), theory and methodology of vocational education.

Teachers and staff of the department closely cooperate with the scientific groups of other departments of the Institute of Physics: Theoretical Physics, Solid State Physics, Quantum Electronics and Radiospectroscopy, Physics of Molecular Systems, Optics and Nanophotonics. Joint scientific work and scientific internships form a strong link with the Kazan Physicotechnical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and with foreign partners.

Employees and teachers of the Department of General Physics deliver reports at international and All-Russian conferences on condensed matter physics, low temperature physics, superconductivity, physics of magnetic phenomena, magnetic nanostructures and spintronics, nonlinear optics, fractals, theory and methods of teaching, etc. Scientific works are published annually in articles both in the central scientific journals of the country and abroad. Extensive international contacts of the department allow for a scientific internship in Japan, Germany and France. The Department of General Physics has long-term scientific and educational contacts with theoretical and experimental groups, both Russian and foreign. The staff of the department lectured and delivered reports at international congresses in Japan, USA, France, Germany, England, Austria, Poland, Turkey, Korea, Sweden, Spain, Malaysia and many other countries.

A large research work is carried out with students and graduate students, actively involving them in research activities. Annually students of the department take part in the Student Conference of the KFU on Physics.

Directions of scientific work of the Department of General Physics:

Supported scientific projects: