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Master degree program "Innovation"

Master degree program 'Innovation' ,Department of General Physics, Innovation, Innovation, Innovators

General information

The world economic system passes into a new stage of development, when the main product is not goods, but ideas and innovations. The economic situation requires effective implementation of scientific achievements in industry. This requires business leaders of a new generation - intellectuals with deep interdisciplinary training, in which the fundamental scientific base is combined with knowledge of information systems, systems analysis, economics, management. This is exactly what the new program for training masters-engineers "Innovatika" is dedicated to. Under this program, highly qualified specialists are trained to develop and promote innovative projects in modern scientific and industrial structures across the country, the region and the enterprise. Students receive fundamental and special education and as a result become professionals in innovative management in science-intensive technologies on the basis of modern achievements in physics and informatics. They are specialists of a new type, professionally versed in technologies and systems, as well as in the economy and in business.

Academic plan

The curriculum includes both general courses

and specialized courses

Together with the visiting professor Alan Le Miotte (France), electronic educational resources were created.