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Additional education

Additional education ,Additional education

The Department has developed the program of the additional education courses “Pedagogical Skills of Counselors”.

The aim is vocational training of counselors, development their creative, communicative and organizational skills and mastering the pedagogical technique of organizing children's leisure in camps.

The course combines lectures, practical classes and trainings on the main directions of educational work and methods of organizing leisure activities for children in the summer camp.

The novelty of the program is an integrated and practice-oriented approach in counselors training. The theoretical part is connected with the study of different methods of organization children’s leisure, feature of psychology of children and the structure of the children’s group. The practice classes direct to implement acquired knowledge in real-life situations and improve counselor’s professional skills.




Principles and approaches of the program:


This educational program will be interesting for teachers, teachers of the University, students of the various area of training and for all, who wish to work with children.

Graduates of this program receive a KFU certificate that gives the right to work in the children’s camps.