Podkovyrin A.S., Shurygin V.V. A brief scientific biography of V.V. Vishnevskii 6
Berezovski V.E., Mikes J. Almost Geodesic Mappings of Type р1 onto Generalized Ricci-symmetric Spaces 9
Berestovskii V.N., Svirkin V.M. The Laplace Operator Spectrum on Compact Simply Connected Rank Two Lie Groups 15
Gainullin F.R., Shurygin V.V. Holomorphic Tensor Fields and Linear Connections on a Second Order Tangent Bundle 36
Kokurin M.Yu. On P.A. Shirokov’s Curve and Theorems of Hausdorff and Dines 51
Konovenko N.G., Lychagin V.V. On Metric Equivalence of Functions on the Lobachevski Plane 54
Kushner A.G. On Reduction of Monge – Ampere Equation to Euler – Poisson Equation 60
Rahula M. The Great Heritage of Sophus Lie 72
Rybnikov A.K. Backlund Maps in View of the Theory of Connections 93
Smolentsev N.K. On Almost Complex Structures on 6-dimensional Products of Spheres 116
Sosov E.N. Metric Space of All N-nets of a Geodesic Space 136
Stepanov S.E., Shandra I.G., Shelepova V.N. Infinitesimal Harmonic Transformations and Ricci Solitons 150
Stolyarov A.V. Connections on a Hypersurface in a Projectively Metric Space 160
Sultanov A.Ya. On Lie Algebras of Holomorphic Affine Vector Fields on Weil Bundles 171
Sukhova O.V. The Scalar Curvature of the Tangent Bundle with Special Almost Product Metric 178
Troshin P.I. On Measure Invariance for a 2-valued Transformation 183
Tyapin N.A. On a Class of Almost Contact Metric Manifolds of Maximal Mobility 192
Fomin V.E. Principal Directions of Hyperquadric of Parabolic Type in Hilbert Space 197
ShuryginV.V., Jr. Lifts of Poisson – Nijenhuis Structures to Weil Bundles 203
Haroutunian S. On the geometry of submanifolds in En2n 215
Salimov A.A., Iscan M. On the geometry of B-manifolds 231