Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationNon-approved textbooks
Year of publication2023
  • Akhmetzyanov Ildar Gabdrashitovich, author
  • Garaeva Almira Kadyrovna, author
  • Mullagaliev Narkiz Kamilevich, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Mullagaliev N.K. English: grammar prompts: reference book / N.K. Mullagaliev, I.G. Akhmetzyanov, A.K. Garaeva. – Kazan: Kazan University Press, 2023. – 112 p.
    Annotation This textbook is intended for the students at the level of A1-A2 (according to the CEFR). It contains materials that can be used both during training sessions and in the process of self-study. The textbook consists of 4 chapters, which are aimed at mastering the basic provisions of grammar used in the process of learning foreign languages, such as the use of a tense system, structural features of sentence construction (declarative, negative, interrogative), nuances of the use of the passive voice and modal verbs (expression of possibility, necessity, reality, unreality, assumptions, guesses, presumption, etc.). This manual involves the search and consolidation of materials from open sources in the process of mastering English grammar.
    Keywords English, grammar, tips, tenses, modals, passive voice, reference.
    On-line resource for training course http://dspace.kpfu.ru/xmlui/bitstream/handle/net/175325/F_Red_Izdanie_po_grammatike.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
    Please use this ID to quote from or refer to the card https://repository.kpfu.ru/eng/?p_id=277960&p_lang=2
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