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Spanish Center of Education 

1. Spanish language courses - initial level.

Duration: 2,5 months (100 Hours).

Contents of the program: The basic course giving the main knowledge of language and skills of communication. Occupations - 3 times a week for 2 hours in the evening. Courses are organized two times a year (registration - in September, lessons- October-December; registration in January, lessons in February-April).

2. Spanish language courses - level for continuing

Duration: 2,5 months (100 Hours).

Contents of the program: Deepen the knowledge received on courses of beginning level with a claim for good command of the language both in the field of lexicon and grammar, and in the field of communicative skills. Registration - in September and January. The course is carried out by the qualified teachers who have passed training in Spain.

3. Spanish school of education and culture

Duration: 450 hours - one year and a half

Contents of the program: the third level of studying of the Spanish, suggesting to improve the knowledge to graduates of courses for continuing, and also to the students studying Spanish as the second foreign language. The beginning of the lessons - in October (it is possible to register in September). The Spanish School, along with lessons of practice and grammar of Spanish offers a number of theoretical subjects, such as history and regional geography of Spain, literature and history of arts of the Hispanic countries, the theory and practice of translation which are held by native speakers. The listeners, who have successfully finished the School, receive the Certificate of passing of a full course of education on an additional educational program of Institute of continuous education.

4. Specialization "The translator in the sphere of professional communication"

Duration: 3 years

Contents of the program: At present it is the most serious and ambitious project of the Spanish Center. Conducts to receiving additional specialization in the annex to the main diploma. Subjects of profound studying of the theory and practice of translation are included in the program in various areas of professional activity. Within specialization the obligatory subjects are: profound studying of stylistics of Russian and Spanish of languages, subjects of Russian and Spanish linguistics etc. The lessons are held both by Russian teachers, and native Spanish speakers.

Document received: The diploma about additional (to the high) education