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Welcome to the Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems

 The Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems is one of the youngest and the most innovative departments of Kazan Federal University. It was founded in 2011 by the initiative of the Ministry of Information and Communication of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan Federal University and IT-Park. From the start, the Institute was supported by some of the largest IT-companies in the world, such as Microsoft, Fujitsu, Oracle, IBM, HP and Cisco,

among others.

Our mission is to advance knowledge and educate students in science and technology, and to train highly-skilled IT-specialists. ITIS also offers courses for the professional training and retraining
of employees of IT enterprises and implements applied research projects.

There is a strong educational system at ITIS: Classes are conducted by professors and scientists of Kazan Federal University, and special courses are delivered by developers and engineers from major IT companies. In addition to the theory and fundamental disciplines, we pay special attention to the applied disciplines. We have more than 20 research IT labs (Mobile Development lab, Robotics Lab, Smart Education Lab, Digital Media Lab, Java Lab, .Net Lab, Cloud Lab, Data Lab, Samsung IoT Academy, Technokratos Lab, Huawei Lab, Lab 42, etc.) at ITIS, where students work on R&D projects.